Chaos story- Annabeth and Percy reunion 1#

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A/N So this is a Chaos story one. So if you read them; Percy gets betrayed, disowned and cheated on, gets found by Chaos, joins army with dead friends, adopted by Chaos and heir to the universe, has to go back to camp half-blood. But in this version Annabeth was given love potion and hates herself for falling for Percy's half brothers tricks. Also, the army has cloaks that only the wear can take off.
In this scene Percy's half brother Mark challenged Percy AKA Omega to a duel. Annabeth walks in after the fight.


Omega's POV

I was standing in the arena, waiting for Mark. After 5 minutes of waiting he decided to show up. "What took you so long, Poseidon prawn" I asked in my cold assassin voice. He shivered before smirking " A hero is naturally late" he boomed. I smirked under my hood "Percy was never late, he was famous, that's why you killed him" I said coldly. Everyone watching gasped, they think Mark is the greatest hero ever. Mark himself even gasped, for me even knowing he killed me emotionally. "You killed him emotionally, made his girlfriend cheat on him, stole or broke his friends things and blamed it on Percy, making his friends leave him. You broke him slowly, making his fatal flaw go crazy, now you made him a monster" I continued. Alpha (Luke Castellan), looked at me with confusing look through his hood. "How do you know?" a shocked Piper asked "HOW DO YOU KNOW?" 

I smirked, getting disguised Riptide out. Riptide is now made from Chaos metal ( a black metal with star like specks in it), which is the most powerful metal in the universe and can fade mortals and immortals. The handle's the same as before apart from the symbol of Poseidon it has the symbol of Omega. "That's for after the duel, daughter of Aphrodite" I whispered as Mark charged at me. He swung his sword, aiming at me head. I easily dodged it and turned to face him. He was red with anger as he charged again. Everytime, I dodged which made him even angrier. I laughed as he tried the 20th time. "You really don't know when to give up" I snarled, making his body freeze. I walked up to him, placing my sword against his throat. "I believe I win" I coldly stated, walking backwards. "Now you verse me" a girl said. I turn to see...Annabeth. 

My cold heart fluttered. Her golden curls are beautiful as ever but her eyes are red and puffy. I laughed cruelly, trying not to let my old self come through. "Someday, demigod pride is going to kill them. Okay then" I said coldly. Annabeth nodded, getting a small dagger, similar to her old one. "Ladies first" I said normally, bowing. Annabeth rose her eyebrow. "What?!? I am a gentleman...when I fight women" I exclaimed. She smiled beige it faded. Opps, I reminded her of the old me. "Come on" I said. She grinned and said "Why would I be stupid enough to fight you? You would kill me" My eyes widen as I felt someone try to pull down my hood. I span around, knocking the person away. The invisible person turned out to be my half brother Mark with Annabeth's invisibly cap on the fall next to him. 

I growled, getting my hunting knifes out. "Now they're in trouble" Alpha whispered loudly to Nico next to him. "My hood can't be taken off idiots, only I can take it off" I yelled, throwing a knife at Mark who screamed like a girl. Everyone apart from Mark laughed. "How dare you? I'm the greatest hero ever to live. You can't do that!" Mark fumed. I smiled "Now you know how Percy felt" I said. I turned to Piper,who was still laughing from before. "Do you want me to continue the story about your fallen hero?" I said mysteriously. Everyone in the arena went quiet to hear about...well me. "Well, to answer your question 'Pipes', he ran into me once when I was on planet Chaos. How he got there I have no idea but he looked terrible. His black hair was all messy and looked like a birds nest. His eyes are dull green and his clothes were all ripped. I asked him how he came to planet Chaos and he explained how you all betrayed him. He said that he was brung there by Chaos, saying Percy is in the army..."

"Which one of you is he?" Hazel yelled.
"Hush, I'm trying to tell a story. Anyway, I said I was in the army too. We were good friends. But he was only nice around me, to everyone else, he was cruel to. Not because of them, because he didn't want to get hurt again.
10 Chaos years later, we were both on a mission on a planet that was in war. He had a spear to the heart....
One of the last things he said to me was 'I don't know how to love anymore, please Megs, please help me' So as he died away, I said how to love and how it's important, even if something's happened in the past. Before he...passed he smiled and said 'I forgive them'..." By the time I finished the story, everyone apart from Mark was in tears. I turn to see Annabeth balling her eyes out. She ran to me and hugged me. I sighed and hugged her back. The spark that we used to have flickered but I didn't care. She let go of me and whispered "Why are you the only one of the Chaos army which haven't revealed themselves?" I looked at her. I made my shadow of my hood fade a bit for her only to see my slight universe eyes. "Because my identity will break all of your hearts because it's so scar you for life" I lied.
"But why did I feel a spark like a did with..." Annabeth asked before gasping, realising who I am.

 She judo flipped me. I groaned in pain "Seriously, again?" She laughed, offering her hand to help me up. I stood up. "How do you know him Annabeth?" Chiron asked. Everyone was in the arena now, watching and wondering what in the Hades was going on. "Because I am a hero" I said, pulling off my hood. The immortal campers and Chiron gasped seeing my hair (my head was down). "Look up" Annabeth said. I did revealing my universe eyes that flicker sea green. "I am Percy Jackson, son of Chaos, primordial of heroes, betrayals and waters. Former hero of two great prophecies and former son of Poseidon" I said.


WRITTEN: 19/04/2016


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