Percy's voice

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A/N okay, this is just some random idea I came up with. I am a musician so I know that every song has their feeling and how it effects the viewers listening. So I'm gonna do a short story where Percy is a famous musician on YouTube for the last 8 years, but due to technology attracting monsters, no one knows about it. He has kept it a secret until Annabeth starts pushing him about why is he isolating himself, which makes Percy snap and run off....

Also this is 3 years after the Giant war so just after the battle of the labyrinth, Percy started Youtube to get his mind of off what's happening. 6 mouths later he had 500,ooo subs.

He now has 3.5 million subs and he is friends with you tubers such as Aphmau (being a voice acting in her series), Jacksepticeye And Markiplier.

ANDDD...Annabeth drifted from him and is attracted to someone else.

Percy's POV

I walked into the pavilion in the cold, sunny winter's morning.
I grabbed my food at sat down at the lonely Poseidon table, getting greetings from other demigods as I ate.
"Morning Percy" I heard Annabeth exclaim behind me.
"Morning" I said, and then continued to eat my pancakes.
Annabeth chuckled.
"Percy, you drowned your pancakes" Annabeth said cheerfully.
"My pancakes can't drown Annabeth" I said in a tired tone.
Annabeth sat next to me, a fruit salad in hand.
"You okay? So sound tired?" She asked.
"I only had 2 hours sleep" I replied, yawning.
"Um...why?" She demanded.
"You know, demigod nightmare stuff" I lied.
Well, thats kinda true.
I woke up at 12 because of a nightmare from the wars but then I worked and recorded videos until 6.
I have a really bad sleeping pattern.
"Percy, you know you can wake me up right?" Annabeth said, concerned as she rubbed my shoulder closet to her "I might not get them as frequently but you've been getting them every night"
She sighed.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.
I shook my head.
"I normally forget about it afterwards" I replied.
"You should ask Morpheus to try and tone it down for you" she said.
I turned away from her.
"Yeah" I said.
Dam, I just realised I need to record a new song.
The question is a cover or original?
If I did a cover, I have no idea what song I could do, I've done all the ones I love.
But if I did an original I would have to come up with lyrics and a music part, I might get Apollo's help but it would be hard doing it with Annabeth and the others watching me like a hawk.
I snapped out of my thoughts to notice the rest of the seven minus missing Leo there.
"You zoned out" Piper asked, "You okay?"
I nodded and stood up.
I haven't seen Hazel, Frank, Piper and Jason in 6 mouths as they all went to camp Jupiter to stay.
I hugged Piper, one of the only people who know (she knows because of one trip with her father to a YouTubing convention and I was there).
"I am better now! I haven't seen you guys in ages!" I exclaimed, hugging each of them "How are you guys?"
"As good as a married couple can be" Jason said, wrapping his arms around Piper.
They got married 2 years ago.
I chuckled.
"We're good" Hazel said.
Annabeth did an un-Annabeth like thing and squealed.
"Hazel, you have a ring?" She exclaimed, holding a beautiful diamond covered ring on her left hand.
"Frank proposed to me 2 mouths ago" Hazel said.
"Wow, congrats, when's the wedding?" I asked, making Frank blush.
"We're actually thinking of doing it next year, on the 5th year since we've confessed love...the end of the Giant War" Frank said.
"Good idea" Annabeth said "Then we have two things to celebrate"
She looked at me.
I know she wants to go to the next level and for me to propose to her.
But my nightmares are really effecting me and I'm worried what would happen if the media find out, they would bond to find where camp Half Blood is.
I just smiled back.
She has the son of Demeter, who is kind and sweet and I think might be the next hero.
She would be better with him.
Piper coughed.
"Come on, we need to catch up!" Piper said, making all of us nod.
I felt Annabeth stare at me as I walked out the pavilion.

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