Missing Percy (Part 1)

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A/N After the giant war, everyone celebrated and mourned over Friends. Leo tragically died in the war sacrificing himself to save everyone from Gaea.
The next day, Percy went missing.
...and Poseidon announces that Percy has disowned him.
According to the seven, Annabeth was the last person to talk to him and she isn't saying anything, crying and became depressed.
No one has seen him for 16 years.

Until the 16 year anniversary of the war the seven (plus Thalia, Nico and the recently found Leo and Calypso) decided to ditch the celebrations at Olympus and just hang out in New York....

Third POV

The remanding of the seven and their friends walked around New York's wet streets.
The sky looks like it is about to pour, despise the fact that Zeus is in a somewhat good mood.
Piper lent against Jason.
"It's so cold" Piper exclaimed, "And it looks like its about to rain"
"Olymp-I mean home is naturally warmer there...leaving many of us to not bring jumpers" Calypso said.
Leo laughed.
"You have me!" Leo said "I'm hot enough"
Thalia snorted while Nico rolled his eyes.
Annabeth, as per normal, cuddled herself and was looking to the ground.
Today, the girls forced her to got out to the anniversary party as she hasn't been to one since Percy left.
She's wearing a beautiful grey dress with grey flats.
Her hair is in a graceful bun.
"Annabeth?" Hazel asked "Are you okay?"
Annabeth looked up and fake smiled.
"I'm fine Hazel, there's no need to worry about me" Annabeth said.
Hazel let go of Frank's arm and hugged Annabeth.
"You know...it's better to let things out than to hold it in" Hazel stated.
"Hazel" Piper warned.
"We really want to help you Annabeth" Hazel stated "Please, tell us what happened"
Ananbeth sighed as Hazel let go of her.
"We want our girl back" Thalia said.
"Okay" Ananbeth whispered, shocking her friends "But let's go somewhere to eat because I'm starving"

Annabeth's POV
Why did I say yes?
Now I have to tell them what happened.
I'm not ready.
His name is like a curse upon me.
I can't get it out of my head.
I can't get his shocked face out of my head.
I screwed up so bad.
"Annabeth...we're here" Piper said, making me snap out of my thoughts.
I nodded.
"You know you don't have to tell us right?" Piper asked as the others asked for a table.
I took a deep breath.
"I have to someday...it's...killing me" I said.
Piper looked at me with pity.
"Come on, let's go" Piper said as we both went to sit down at the table, myself at the head.

"Hello" the waitress said.
I looked at her noticed her appearance.
She looks fairly young; around 15 or 16.
She has caramel skin with dark brown hair which is in a messy bun; by the looks of it her hair has natural curls.
She looks like a daughter of Aphrodite.
But the one thing that made me freeze was that she has sea-green eyes; a carbon copy to Percy's.
"My, my...you guys look freezing...maybe some hot drinks to heat you up?" She asked, a Brooklyn accent coming through.
"From Brooklyn?" I asked.
she nodded.
"Yeah, I grew up there and my ma was from there...but my dad's from Manhattan" she replied "Anyway...what would you like to drink?"
"Um..." Jason asked.
She laughed.
"Do you guys want the special?" She asked.
We all nodded.
She wrote it on her note pad and smiled at us.
"Coming right up" she said and walked off.

"She seems nice" Hazel said.
"Her eyes are like..." Piper started but then stopped.
"Percy's" I whispered "It wouldn't be possible for Poseidon...he's depressed"
"It could be Percy's" Leo asked, shattering my heart.
"It can't be" I whispered "It won't be"
Everyone looked at me sadly.
"There still could be a chance someone could have sea-green eyes" I said.
We sat there awkwardly.
"Annabeth" Hazel asked "You are free to speak"
I sighed as the memories came onto me.

~16 years ago~

I smiled as I see the demigods happy once again.
The war is finally over.
But something inside me changed since the war.
Since that place.
It haunts me and haunts Nico with nightmares.
Even though Percy doesn't show it, I know he's breaking.
I can see it in his eyes; they aren't that bright.
I looked around and noticed him in the corner of the room on a white couch, with his head in his hands.
Concerned, I walked to him, pushing past the crowd.
"Hey" I said over the loud noises, he looked up at me.
And what I saw broke my heart.
Percy looked terrible.
His eyes were red and tears stained his cheeks.
He fake smiled.
"Hey wise girl...liking the party?" He asked, his voice slightly cracking.
"Are you okay?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch.
He looked down at the ground.
"Percy...I'm here if you want to talk" I said "We can go somewhere more private if you want to"
He nodded, stood up and walked off without me, making me rush after him.

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