Don't threaten me with a good time

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 A/N Hello! So this is another request story, this is by @DarkPanicAtTheDisco. I've just been so busy that I haven't had time to write a lot of stories. SO I have finally come around to this.

So this might be similar to my other P!ATD chapters 'It sure is a Panic! At the Disco' but I am going to make it different.

This one will not include betrayal, as the other one had. It will go on the path that Annabeth and Percy are still together, but things are strained between them as they both have their own lives; Annabeth a mortal school teacher to help demigods go to the camps while Percy is secretly a singer named Brendon Urie in his band Panic! At the Disco, which causes him to travel a lot. Both Percy and Annabeth know it's too hard for them now so they are having a break, Annabeth trying to see other people.This has been going on for 14 years now, Apollo picking up on it quickly. Apollo wanted Percy to reveal himself to at lest his friends but Percy doesn't want to, so Apollo does it the only way Apollo know how to...

Also Sarah is in'll see what they are...

Percy's POV

I am finally home located in New Rome with Annabeth.

I haven't been home for at lest 2 years since Pray For the Wicked World Tour has been going on.

It was amazing to travel to all of these places and meet all the people.

But I missed home. 

I missed my friends.

I missed Annabeth.

I am currently sitting in my lounge room, waiting for Annabeth to come home from work.

Suddenly, I heard the click of the door.

I heard high heals on the ground, making me flash back to Kinky Boots.

I almost laughed out loud.

I now know how to wear high heals and I have no idea how women deal with it on a daily bases.

I saw her from around the corner and she just stared at me, with shock.

I chuckled.

"Well thats not a great welcome home greeting" I commented, making her drop her stuff as I stood up.

She ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"You never told me you were coming home you Seaweed brain" she said, "I missed you so much!"

I laughed.

"I missed you too" I whispered.

We stayed in the hug for a while, for what seemed like forever.

We haven't seen each other face to face in 2 years so it's more emotional.

Suddenly we heard a knock at the door, both of us leaping apart.

"I wonder who it-"

The door slammed open, cutting Annabeth off to reveal the rest of the seven.

"Percy! You're back!" Piper exclaimed "Good, we were looking for you"

I looked at Piper confused.


"Apollo told us you were here and he wanted us to get you two him about a Sarah?" Jason replied.

My mind flashed to the black haired girl which I hang out with a lot... wife...

"Sarah?" I asked "Why would she be here?"

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