Percy Jackson and the Mortal Instruments

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A/N sooo, this was a request from riptide_shadowhunter with a crossover between Percy Jackson and Mortal Instruments. I am sorry to fans in advance since I haven't read the series in a while that I might get a fact wrong...I know the pain of someone getting something wrong and it's not nice so I will try my best.

Percy's mother Sally, is a full blooded shadowhunter from the New York institute but to displease her parents she had a child with what they thought at the time was a mundane. When Percy was 7, Sally told her parents the truth since they saw Percy accidentally bursting the water pipe and since then Percy has been juggling training with the demigods and with his shadow hunter friends Clary, Isabelle, Alec, Simon and Jace. One day the demigod camp encountered a demon from the shadowhunter world, causing Percy to reveal himself...

Percy's POV

I sighed, sitting down on the sandy ground watching Annabeth fight Piper in a duel at camp half-blood, thinking about my Shadowhunter friends.
They would have just finished defeating Sebastian...well Johnathan.
I wonder how they're coping?
I left right after the war to fight in Gaea's war, in which we won but without no cost and losing Leo.
I believe he's alive still and the same with Nico.
I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Annabeth looking at me right in front of my face.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine, just lost in thought" I answered, making her narrow her eyes.
I always say that, making her suspicious that somethings wrong with me.
I bet you it would be about...that place.
I have literally been in 4 wars; 2 Greek, 2 Shadow hunter.
I'm surprised I'm still sane since I've had more torture than any mortal...
"What's really wrong? You can tell us" Piper charmspoke.
I rolled my eyes.
"You know that doesn't work on me Pipes" I answered, standing up "I'm seriously fine, I'll be in my cabin if-"
Someone screamed, making me get Riptide out and touch my pocket to feel my stele but not—
My Seraph blade won't be there.
I cursed.
"Let's go!" I yelled, sprinting to Thalia's tree where the sound was.

I got there and froze, wide eyed as a familiar being was trying to attack a little demigod.
"Why does it smell like death?" Nico asked, coming out the shadows.
"Oh great"
Downworld Demons.
Not just any one, Ravender demon.
They are general hideousness, demons often carry with them a debilitating scent of death that can be very strong. This type of demon has a massive hook type of mouth.
"WHat is that??" Piper asked.
Annabeth stared in shock.
She doesn't have an answer for something for once.
"Ravender Demon" I said, making the rest of the seven look at me as I recognised faces attacking the demon "Slimy, long, scaled, black body, a long black tongue, multiple legs and claws, and an insectile cluster of eyes set dead center on top of its long domed skull. Possesses a row of sharp fanged teeth, which envenomate their prey with a deadly toxi. In time, their poison burns away the life of the victim, leaving only ash be careful"
"How did you know?" Annabeth asked.
"I did my research" I said with a smirk.
She growled.
"How do you know when I-"
"Oh by Raziel's name just stay back and I'll explain this after Annabeth" I said, summoning my Seraph blade.

I sprinted to the demon, pushing the little girl aside.
"She needs medic-"
"Got it!" Nico yelled and Shadow travelled him to Will.
I looked at the demon and smirked.
"What you afraid of?" I teased.
It growled at me and dived at me, making me move out the way quickly.
I used my blade to stab the demon while it was distracted so it disappeared into the air.
"Well that was easier than usual" I said.
"What in Hades name-"
"Hold Annabeth" I said "There's something else here"
"You can't fight it yourself!" Jason said.
"My blade is the only one which can harm downworlders" I said.
"What the-"
Suddenly,a slug crossed with a cockroach appeared, making me cruse.
"A Behemoth" I Yelled "Are you kidding me?"
"A very dangerous demon" I said "Stay well back"
I quickly got my Stele out and used one of Clary's made up Runes to summon my friends.
In a flash Jace, Isabelle, Clary and Alec was standing there, looking confused.
Luckily they must have come from training with their weapons.
"No time to explain but-"
"-very big Behemoth" Jace said "Got it"
I chuckled.
"Yes Isabelle"
"Don't call me that!"
"We need to protect the demigods" I said, motioning to behind me.
"And gods" Clary mentioned.
I groaned.
"Ok, them too who just appeared" I answered as the demon noticed us.
"We need to stop it from healing when we attack it" Alec said.
"Attack at the same time" Jace said.
"Good idea" Alec said.
"One- Wait" I said "Can't I just drown it?"
"I assume so" Jace said.
I smirked and used my powers to boil the blood in the Demon, making the demon explode.

"New thing I learnt" I said, answering Clary.
I turned around to see the demigods looking confused.
"Hades, forgot about them" I answered.
"Um...I didn't realise we had an audience" Alec said.
Suddenly the gods flashed in.
"And that made it worse" I answered.
"What is going on here?" Zeus yelled.
"There is downworlder sent here" Hades said and then looked at me with my blade out "Definitely downworlder"
"Why do you look at me when you say that uncle H?" I asked, making the other Shadowhunters widen their eyes.
Hades always comes around to the institute, now they know who he really see.
"Because trouble always follow you around know" Hades said, trying not to trigger the others.
I nodded.
"I know" I answered "I have to explain now, do I?"
"Yep" Hades said.
"What is going-"
"I will explain father" I said, interrupting my dad "Simple as as well as a demigod I am a shadowhunter"

"An actual shadowhunter?" Piper asked.
"They haven't been since for-"
"Centuries Athena?" I asked "Maybe if you might have noticed in between the Greek wars there was wars with the shadow world too. Valentine and Sebastian rised and-"
"'ve been in two more wars?" Annabeth whispered "4 wars?"
I nodded.
"If you're worried, I'm just sane" I said.
"Why have you not told us until now demigod" Zeus snapped "Poseidon did you-"
"I did not" Poseidon said.
"These powers make him powerful and dangerous" Ares said.
I widen my eyes.
Crap, they might kill me.
"He is a good man for both worlds" Clary said "Cant you accept that?"
"How dare you speak to me withou-"
"Ok, ok" I said "If you want to kill me fine; but don't harm any of my friends or you'll get it"
"They won't hurt us" Annabeth and Clary said at the same time.
They both glared at each other.
I groaned.
"Ok, I've had e-"
"You have taken over his life! We know him for longer" Annabeth said.
"We've known him for 10 years compared to your 5" Isabelle said.
Annabeth growled.
"'He's a hero here-"
"We know that" Clary said "He's also saved multiple lives for us as well"
"Well he's my boyfriend" Annabeth said.
"And?" Jace asked, wrapping his arms around Clary "He's important for both us us, there is no need to fight"
"Exactly" I said.
"Annabeth" I said, "Does it really matter?"
"Yes!" Annabeth said "You're meant to be a Greek hero not a stupid s-"
"You say that sentence to my face you fucking-"
"Woah" Alec said, holding a very angry Isabelle back.
"Shadowhunters are not stupid Annabeth; they protect everyone from demons, just like we protect everyone from Greek monsters" I growled "You just crossed the line: they are family to me as well as you guys, can't you accept that?"
She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Enough!" Poseidon said "I would like to know why-"
"I didn't tell you? Simple as one; everyone would react like this and not accept me and two; I would be killed almost straight away" I said, crossing my arms.
Most people looked down with shame.
Apart from the gods and Annabeth.
"Alright, you can come and find me when you're ready to say sorry" I said.
"Izzy, I've been a prawn of the gods for too long...the gods and Annabeth need to realise I'm not a stupid and mindless as everyone thinks I am" I said, turning to my shadowhunter friends.
"He's one of the smartest people...and that's hard coming from me" Jace said, making me chuckle.
"You guys can find me when you need it" I said.

Suddenly a portal appeared with two familiar men in it.
Well...not mortal kinda downworlders.
"Magnus and Simon?" I asked,confused.
The last I heard Magnus was trying to get Simon's memory back.
"Nice to see you shadowgod" Magnus said, making me roll my eyes.
"Demihunter sounds better" I replied as Alec went up to slap Magnus.
"You've been gone for how long and-"
"Just wait my love, I have exciting news" Magnus said, making Alec blush.
"I remember everything" Simon said.
Isabelle gasped and ran to Simon and touched his face.
Clary was frozen in shock.
"Hey Izzy, I'm-"
Simon was cut off by a kiss.
I chuckled.
"Do we want to celebrate?" I asked.
"Institute we go!" Magnus said "You coming Perce?"
"Yeah, I am" I said, looking back at the gods "I am"
And I was teleported off into the world I missed.

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