Ghost story!

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A/N in this story, Percy is dead.
...well he died in the Gaea war, sacrificing himself to save everyone.
The war was one and 2 years later the demigods still can't get over it.
But weird stuff is happening at camp.
So they need Nico to solve it.
But what they don't know is that Percy never made it to the underworld and has been trying to get someone to help him.

Percy's POV
I sighed as I sat next to my old cabin.
It's really annoying not being able to be seen...or noticed.
It was hard for the first mouth, but now I'm used to it.
I noticed a campfire in the distance.
I smiled and flew over there, going through some people, making them shiver.
"Hey Jason!"
I turned to see Piper and Jason kissing and Leo cringing.
"Dude, I did not need to see that" Leo said, covering his eyes.
I chuckled, making them look around.
"Did you hear a-"
"Chuckle? Yeah" Jason said, interrupting Piper.
I freeze.
It's Halloween today so that means they can hear me and if I get near reflections see me.
"Strange" Leo said "But it's Halloween"
"A camp ghost?" Not possible" Annabeth said as she walked towards them.
It made my heart leap.
Leo crossed his arms.
"Just because you don't believe in ghosts doesn't mean I can't" Leo said.
"There's no-"
"Evidence? Annabeth I'm a son of Hades, I know they are real"
I hid in a tree, quickly.
I looked down to see Nico going towards them.
Nico is probably the only one that can see me and will send me straight to the underworld.
I would rather be watching and protecting the others.
Nico freezes.
"There is a ghost here" he said "It's strange though, like other ghosts it doesn't want to go into the underworld"
"An evil one?" Jason asked.
Nico shook his head.
"It doesn't seem that old...maybe...2 years" Nico said.
"Giant war" Annabeth said "Could there be a possibility its Percy? You did say that you haven't found his soul"
I hid more into the leaves, making them shuffle.
I sensed them all looking at the tree.
"It's in the tree" Nico said "We won't hurt you"
I shake my head and stayed there.
I am not going!

"I don't want to" I whispered out loud.
"We won't hurt you" Nico said.
"What are you doing young ones?" I heard Chiron ask.
"We're trying to get a ghost from the war to its peace" Annabeth said.
"Okay, make sure they're safe" he said and I heard hoof steps go away.
"Come out" Nico said "What's your name?"
"No" I said.
"Your name can't be 'NO'" Leo teased, "Come out and welcome!"
I swiftly flew down to him in a flash and knocked his taco out of his hand.
I flew next to the tree trunk.
"Awww" Leo muttered.
I noticed Nico staring at me with wide eyes.
I put my finger on my lips and smirked.
"Oh Hades" Nico whispered, clearly in shook.
"Who is it?" Annabeth asked.
I flew to her and kissed her lips.
She shivers as I pulled back.
She touched her lips.
"What was-"
"Ghost's contact is normally cold" Nico said.
"Wait the only person who would kiss her is-"
"Percy?" Annabeth asked hopefully as Piper started.

"Maybe maybe not, you have to decide" I said, trying to sound like I used to; the seven gasped.
"Oh my gods! What are you doing here?" Frank asked.
"Hanging around" I said.
"Why?" Hazel asked.
"Cause I wanted to" I replied and lied down on the ground.
"You should be in the underworld!" Annabeth exclaimed.
"Why would I be?" I asked, sitting up.
"Because you don't have any unfinished business...right?" Piper asked.
"I can sense he does" Hazel said.
"And that you are right, therefore I will not leave" I said stubbornly.
"Yes?" I asked, I groaned "guys please, just act like you never saw me"
"Annabeth, only minutes ago you said you never believed in ghosts, I could be an illusion for all you know!!" I said angrily.
"Calm down" Nico said "You just want to protect camp...don't you?"
I nod.
"You can do what you want" Nico said "NO ONE will stop you"
Annabeth glared at Nico.
"I know...but I've I do go to the underworld then I can't see what you're doing" I said.
"Wait...were you the one who shaved some of my hair off?" Leo asked, making me chuckle as I remembered that.
"Maybe" I said.
"Seee! It was a ghost!" Leo exclaimed to Jason "I was right!"
Jason laughed.
"Maybe we should leave Percy alone" Jason said "You okay with that?"
I nod.
"I'll be around tonight but the only way I can contact you is if Nico is around or I enter your dreams" I said.
They nod.
Annabeth looked away.
She's still angry.
I crossed my arms, getting annoyed.
"Maybe you could let your pride go and admit that-"
"-or maybe you should let go of your loyalty and-"
"I can't stop that Annabeth!"
"Well I can't stop either"
I groaned.

I flew up.
"You know what?" I asked "I'll go and you won't see me again promise?"
"Promise" Annabeth said.
I sighed and shrugged.
"Your loss...bye guys" I exclaimed as I flew off to my friends calling my name.
I'm dead.
I can't save anyone.
I know that.
They can't expect me to do that.
Sometimes when you leave someone, their true colours come out.
I knew Annabeth would disagree with me always, I saw it on her face.
And I would stress her out too much doing 'stupid things' or not thinking.
Hey, at lest I can talk to Nico sometimes...

Being a ghost sucks.

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