I guess I'm still not good enough

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A/N So this is the story after the war (6 months) and no matter what Percy does, he cannot please anyone at camp, not even his own girlfriend and father. He falls into a dark space of mind until Rachel pulled him out of it, saying he doesn't need them. This is what happens next. (and yes, it will involve the Egyptian Magicians like Carter and Sadie).

This is actually shorter than my normal ones so enjoy the shortness.

And don't worry if you were wishing this was a 'I'm on cloud nine' part 2....that is coming after I've come up with an idea...

Percy's POV

I sighed, sitting next to Rachel at my table, my 'friends' glaring at me.

"Don't worry about them Perce, you're better off without them" Rachel said "You're going tomorrow to see Carter and Sadie and never come back here again"

I sighed.

"I know" I replied "I'll miss you"

"You know I'll be there days later because I'm giving up being oracle right?" Rachel asked.

I widen my eyes.

"Rachel you don't have to-"

"I want to help you Percy" Rachel said "And I couldn't stand being here with...them"

I smiled weakly.

"Perseus Jackson!"

I almost groaned as Annabeth stormed over to my table.

"Yes Annabeth?" I asked.

"Why are you with Rachel?" she demanded.

"Um...because she is my fri-"

"Have you forgotten she has a crush on you?" Annabeth yelled, making everyone silent "She's trying to take you away from me"

"No she is not" I said calmly "My flaw is loyalty Annabeth and Rachel's childish crush is gone, don't you remember Octavian? She's still heartbroken from-"

"I can't believe you would do such a thing to me, to us Percy!" Annabeth yelled "You're a heartless monster!"

I stood up sharply.

"Woah, Annabeth be care-"

"YOU ARE NEVER GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYONE!" Annabeth yelled, making everyone gasp and turn in my direction for my reaction.

"Obviously I'm not good enough for anyone these days" I whispered and then looked down "I've done so much for you guys and I'm still not good enough? Am I not worth that much to you? A action figure toy which you chuck out after getting bored of it? I've had enough!"

I looked up at the shocked Annabeth.

"I am sick and tired of people telling me to be better because I'm a hero but I am human and I make mistakes!" I said "I've have enough of your influence on me!"

"Wait Percy what do you mean?" Annabeth asked "You would be nothing without me! I got you through those dangerous situations-"

"Like when I saved you from Atlas?" I asked "Like when I saved you from Luke, how I figured out the prophecy and told you to give me your knife for Luke to kill himself to save us, how I survived for 8 months and a week without my memory without you, how I helped kill Gaea without your help...how we survived Tartarus under my word since you were too weak and being dramatic to cope and blamed me for falling, even though I was the one trying to save you"

"You could have pulled me up!" Annabeth snapped.

"What has your mother done to you Annabeth?" I asked "I didn't have the arm strength and the last time I remembered, Jason can fly, Nico can shadow-travel and Frank and turn into any animal so they could have saved us" 

Frank, Nico and Jason looked down with sadness.

"And you could have used the water molecules to-"

"I hadn't learnt that skill yet Annabeth" I argued back.

"And you knew how to control blood inside people?" Annabeth stated.

"My sanity was fading in Tartarus, just like yours were. I was lost in the moment of fighting for survival" I replied.

I looked at Rachel, who told up next to me.

"I'm lucky to have people who care for me somewhere else" I snapped "I'm going to them"

"You have no one else" Annabeth reported.

"Actually blonde haired contort freak, he does"

I turned around to see Sadie with new purple vibrant streaks in her blonde hair, grinning.

"Sadie?" Annabeth asked softly before telling me coldly "You've been talking to them instead of us?!?"

"Well all you did was insult him and told him he was never good enough so...it makes logical sense" Sadie said and then looked at me "You ready Percy?"

I smiled.

"I was born ready" I replied, grabbing Sadie's hand as she summoned a portal.

"Carter is so excited to see you again, took all my strength to stop him from coming today" Sadie said.

"Percy w-wait!" Ananbeth yelled "W-what about u-us?"

I turned back to them and smirked.

"Does it burn?" I asked "knowing I used all the pain you put me through, that I'm not weak and naive as I used to me"


"Does it hurt that you actually fuelled my flame?" I asked and then laughed "I am not looking back, I don't need your regrets. Thank Hades you left my love behind...you couldn't change me if you tried"

I looked back at Sadie and nodded, her pulling me into the portal and into a safer and kinder world than the one I left.

A one which will think I'm good enough for them no matter what.

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