Goode High

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A/N so this story is a betrayal story. Percy was summoned by the council at the end of the war to be told he was too powerful and his powers were to be locked and he had to be sent down to mortal high school. 1 year later the remaining seven plus Nico and Reyna join a mortal high school as the gods think a threat is rising...what they don't realise is who would be there...

Percy's POV

I sighed as I sat in class, completely bored.
I knew this topic so it was pointless for me to be in this class.
I looked at the date on my phone.
August 18th.
It's been a year since the war.
A year since I got betrayed and sent to here!
"Class we have new students" the teacher said, making me look up.
I was surprised, shocked at who I noticed.
Leo, Jason, Frank and Piper.
"I'm Leo" Leo said, waving.
"I'm Jason" Jason said, making some girls in the class sigh, making Piper cling to Jason tighter.
"Piper" Piper said.
"Frank" Frank said.
"Okay, now these are our new students, make sure you make them feel welcome!" The teacher said and then looked to the others "Sit wherever there is a seat"
Luckily, in this school I'm actually popular (wow, what a surprise) and have my swim team mates sitting around me.
I kept my head down, not wanting my friends to notice me.
Suddenly someone knocked my books over.
"I'm so sorry...Percy?" Piper said as she grabbed my books and notice me look at her.
I winked and she just stared at me with shock.
"Sit in your seat Piper" the teacher said.
"Sorry" Piper said and sat next to Jason at the back.
I turned to the front, trying not to look back.
"Hey, you know that hot chick?" One of my friends on the swim team, Harry asked.
"Yes I do...Unfortunately she's taken man, by the blonde next to her" I said, focusing on the teacher.
This is going to be a long day.

~lunch time~

"He's meant to be dead!" I heard Annabeth say as we waited in the line in the cafeteria.
Her group wasn't too far away from mine.
"I saw him...we all saw him" Piper said.
By the looks of it, it's the seven plus Reyna and Nico are here but why?
Last time I checked the gods hate me.
"But he's here...,maybe that's why the gods sent us here!" Reyna said "They did say it was a powerful demigod here"
"Hey dude are you okay?" Another one of my friends, Issac asked.
I nodded, moving away from the line.
I sat at my table, the popular table.
Issac, Harry and I immediately at the girls at the table.
Harry loved it but Issac and I hated it.
"Hello ladies" Harry said as Georgia, a brunette sat on his lap.
"I wanna play again Harry" Georgia said,making me almost lose my appetite.
"Yeah baby" a blonde said, I think her name is Isabelle.
"He's mine!" The other said, a orange haired girl named Renee.
"Ladies, ladies, one at a time"Harry said.
"Please do it away from the table" I said, "Cause some of us are trying to eat"
"Awww, you're no fun Percy" Georgia said.
"He's right, I'm staring. I need to keep these muscles me later okay?" Harry asked.
The girls sighed happily and walked off to their table, which was right next to ours.
I notice another man from the swim team, Jeremy came with the girls from the girls swim team; Fiona, Jessica, Eve and Emily.
They sat at the table, all saying their hellos.
"I noticed you looked like you knew the new kids" Issac said, making me freeze.
"Yeah, you were spaced out in maths and they came in and they were like 'woah' and you were like 'shit'" Emily expressed.
"Wow Em, we can definitely understand what you're saying with that" Eve said, smirking.
They both laughed.
"Yeah,I did...I do" I said, looking down "I knew them before I came here...we were like family...but then family stuff happened so I moved"
I notice them looking at me from a couple of tables away.
"I thought I would never see them again" I said, catching Ananbeth's eyes.
She widen her eyes.
"The blonde haired girl, Annabeth...she-"
"She was my girlfriend" I said, "Well she was my girlfriend before I left but I left suddenly so we didn't keep contact"
"That's why you don't like the ladies hitting on you" Harry said "You're the hottest guy on campus man...all of the girls are drooling for you"
I chuckled and looked down at my food.
"Are you guys exited for the next meet?" Jess asked, making everyone nod.
"It's against that private assholes?" Eve said "I can't wait to beat their ass again"
"It was amazing last year, having never won against them before and when Percy showed up...he won it for us" Jeremy said "You're amazing man...talent"
I blushed, embarrassed.
"Thanks guys" I said.

"Hey...can I talk to you?"
I looked up to see Nico.
I gave him a lopsided smile.
"Hey deathbreath, what's up?" I asked.
He narrowed his eyes.
"You have a lot of explaining to do" he said.
I rolled my eyes and stood up.
"Meet you after school for swim practice?" I asked.
Everyone nodded as I took my bag and walked away from them and followed Nico.
"Where have you been-"
"Questions can be answered after" I said as I got to the table of angry looking demigods "Hey"
"Don't 'hey' us, we thought you were de-"
"I am dead Annabeth" I said, confusing everyone "I'm not the person you knew, now leave me alone"
She looked at me shocked.
I took a deep breath, trying to keep my breathing under control.
"You are the person I know-"
"No I am not" I said "That person died when I left that world"
I noticed my breathing started to get out of control, making Piper notice.
We locked eyes, and she gasped when she noticed the fear and panic in my eyes.
"I really need to go-"
"NO! You have put us through so much hardship and it's not fair on us!" Annabeth said, standing up.
"Hard on you?" I asked "It's hard on me as well, don't you forget my flaw is loyalty?"
I gripped onto Annabeth's chair, feeling my head spin.
"No Piper...he needs to know we're here because the gods-"
"Don't make me laugh...they won't want me and even if they did, I'm not going near them or your kind again" I snapped and started to walk off and keep my balance.
"Percy!" Ananbeth yelled, making everyone in the cafeteria silent...great.
I turned around, trying to keep a brave face on.
"What?" I asked, my voice wavering,
"Back off" Emily said, the brown haired girl staring at Ananbeth with her pale green eyes hardening.
She held onto my arm and looked up, making me smile faintly.
"Excuse me?" Annabeth asked, crossing her arms.
"You knew him, yes, but he left for a reason and the reason is you" Emily said, making everyone gasp "Stop annoying him; he's not yours anymore"
"So he's a prize now?" Annabeth asked, stepping closer.
"No..." Emily said, looking at me "He doesn't need you to ruin his life and reputation at this school"
Emily looked at the others.
"If you want what's best for him...back off"

And Emily pulled me back to my table.
Everyone was silent for a second before whispered and chatting about what happened.
"Wow that was-"
"Breath Percy" Emily said.
They're back?!?!?!?
All of them?
Why are they here?
They said the gods but they hated me; they locked my powers!
They just want to finish me off.
and to make it worse, they blame it on me that I left.
I couldn't control that!
'It is your fault, you should never have left'
'You're weak'
'A murder'
'You're not my son'
'You traitors'
'Just a waste of space'

I gasped, trying to catch my breath.
"Man,are you okay?" Issac asked as everyone looked at me with concern.
"I'll be fine in a second" I said breathlessly.
"I noticed you talking to them was given you anxiety" Emily said, holding my hand next to me.
I took a deep breath and looked at my friends with a smile.
"Seeing them again...resurfaces memories I don't want to remember" I said softly.
"Hey, we'll keep them away, won't we?" Eve asked, making everyone nod "They don't have control over your life again"
I laughed.
"Thanks guys, you're all amazing" I said "Now who wants to skip for a pool party at mine?"
"Hell yes!" Harry said, standing up.
"Only us" I said as he went to turn to the girls on the other table.
He frowned.
"He needs a small group, he's still recovering over the panic attack" Emily said.
Harry groaned.
"Fiinnnne" he whined as everyone stood up.
"Let's go" I said.

"Come on! I can't wait! You're mum is amazing at cookies!"  Fiona said "And they're all mine!"
"No they're not!" I whined, laughing as she sprinted off.
I chased after her, moving around the tables.
I went past the others table and notice they were looking at me with saddness and forgiveness.
Oh no, no, no.
Their parents were to fault.
And they just waltz in, wanting me to forget this life and go back?
Why would I go back to a place which my nightmares are made from?
I'm happy here, and I'm here to stay.
I'm technically mortal now, I can go to college, maybe study marine biology or become a Olympian swimmer.
Who knows.
It's my life now, I'm no pawn to anyone.  

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