The Sander- I mean Jackson Sides

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A/N @Travel_to_desire with another idea among us again! Thank you for this idea! I have done something similar already with 'Annabeth's Sides', with Percy being the embodiment of Anxiety for the world...but this one is different. Percy is the one with the sides and old friends are his spilt personality...I won't reveal who they are until later...

But basically, the story is after the war and Percy thinks he is going mad with seeing his dead friends protrayed as his 'personality traits'. So he hides it from his friends. However over time he gets used to it but Tartarus catches up to him, his friends not at lest a little bit concern so it is up to Jackson's Sides to either convince his alive friends...or convince Percy themselves. isn't my best but here it is! Hope you enjoy!

Percy's POV

I bolted up from my sleep, sweating.

"Are you okay Percy?" I heard Annabeth ask.

"I'm fine Anne, go back to sleep" I said "I'm going for a walk"

I heard her sigh but she didn't move, making me slowly slip out of bed and outside, sitting on the docks of Half-blood.

"Are you okay?" I heard a tired voice ask.

"I am fine Luke, thank you though" I said.

Ever since the end of the war I have had...something weird happen to me. 

I have somehow spilt my personality into different parts that can talk to me.

Either that or I'm offically insane.

"You are not insane!" Selina exclaimed, appearing next to me.

"Your vital signs do not show that" Charles said.

"Well, of course it doesn't, he isn't insane!" Zoe exclaimed.

"Well, he could be and then he could murder his-"

"ETHAN!" everyone exclaimed.

My personality takes faces of my old friends;

Luke representing my creativity (Well, the good half).

Selina represents Morality.

Charles represents logic.

Zoe represents anxiety 

and lastly, Ethan represents intrusive thoughts...or the opposite of Luke.

I groaned, holding my head.

"You guys aren't helping" I groaned.

"Sorry Percy, we didn't mean to-"

"It's okay Selina" I said, cutting her off "I'm just...stressed and anxious...thats all"

"What did you do Zoe?" Luke asked, glaring at her.

"I didn't do anything!" she exclaimed.

Zoe used to be very closed off, making us call her Anxiety. Until I finally got to her saying she isn't that bad. 

"I am aloud to be anxious Luke, relax" I said "I will be because of know that"

Luke sighed.

"As much as I would like to say I contribute the most to your is understandable...that Zoe...has a part"

I looked at him surprised.

"Are you going to say what I think you were going to say Princey?" Zoe asked.

"N-No, shut up Anxiety!" Luke said, blushing.

I rolled my eyes, looking back out onto the ocean.

"Percy? Are you okay?'

I turned around to see Annabeth walking onto the dock.

"I-I'm fine" I said.

"You cannot keep on hiding it like this, it is unhealthy and unwise" Charles said.


"Okay, why are you still here?" Luke asked, talking to Ethan, who was grinning as he said on one of the wooden posts.

I looked back out onto the ocean, trying to have the calming waves stop my nerves.

"No you're not" Annabeth said, sitting next to me, "What's wrong"

I sighed, looking down.

"I-It's hard to explain" I said "I-I'm not the same"

"We all aren't after the war, especially for us two" Annabeth said, not wanting to mention that place.

I looked into her eyes, her eyes trying to read me.

"You can tell me anything Percy, you know that" Annabeth said.

"You'll think I'm mad" I muttered.

"He's actually going to do it!" Selina said, almost squealing.

"No, I won't" Annabeth said, holding my hands, hearing both Selina and Luke screaming wth excitement "That don't have to act brave all the time Percy"

I sighed.

"What is going on with defies anything I have experienced before...anything you might have experienced before" I said.

"Percy, I'm sure it's-"

"I think I have multiple personality disorder" both Zoe and I said quickly at the same time. 

I looked down, not waning to see her face.

"What did you say?" she asked.

I sighed, looking up at her.


"Oh for Hades' sake" Luke said, making both Annabeth and I's head snap towards him "Percy's personality is split into us!"

I widen my eyes with shock, wait, they can actually talk to her and she can see them?

"What he means to say is that Percy's personality is spilt into physical forms of his deceased friends" Charles said.

I widen my eyes as Annaebth turned to me, shocked.

"Y-You can see them?" I asked.

She nodded, seemingly very confused.

"Now have sex!"

"Ethan, not the time" Zoe said, glaring at Ethan.

"I-I don't know what to say Percy" Annabeth whispered.

"And I don't expect you to say anything" I said.

She held my hands, surprising me.

"We will get through this together" Annabeth said and then looked at every side around me "All of us"

Luke and Selina squealed.

Logic nodded.

Ethan smirked.

and Zoe shrugged.

I smiled, looking into her eyes.


"Stop it Ethan!"

"Actually that was Luke!"

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