Get Jinxed!

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A/N so this is a Annabeth runaway story; Annabeth runs away because she was accused of betraying Olympus. She meets some people who changed her life; she became a manic and called herself Jinx, a blue haired girl who loves to blow things up. After killing the people who helped her, she started to wreak cities by taking bombs and weapons from government areas and with Pow-Pow, her gun. The Olympians realise this and asked the seven plus Thalia and Nico to control her. Annabeth's transformation is based off of Jinx from League of Legends, fans of it I have never played the game, I only like the character development of Jinx and decided to use it.

Third POV- Olympian throne room

The air was filled with sadness.
100 years ago, they accused a hero of Olympus with betrayal and a crime she didn't commit.
Her parent disowned her so there can't be any way of her being alive.
But her soul can't be found anywhere.
Everyone has looked.
But it doesn't help the demigod's trust with the Olympians as they stopped talking to their parents in total because of what happened.
The demigod who changed everything was Annabeth Chase.
In the throne room was all the 14 Olympians, the new recruits of Hades and Hestia getting their thrones.
Athena was in her 50 year old form and always look like she's going to burst into tears.
Zeus coughed, catching most of the gods attention.
"There has been a mortal threat destroying cites all around the world" Zeus said, showing an Iris image of cities (A/N before I name cities, I do not hate them, this is just to show her power etc. I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings) "Canberra Australia, Rome Italy, Athens Greece and even all of North Korea's gone; we need to find her and bring her to justice"
"Great idea but how can we do it without demigods?" Apollo asked sadly "They don't even talk to us!"
"The Seven might help" Poseidon said "I talk to Percy sometimes and they know about her"
Zeus nodded and summoned the rest of the seven and Thalia and Nico.
They just stood there, glaring at the gods.
"What do you need us for?" Jason asked.
"There is a mortal girl causing terror everywhere she does, des-"
"Why would we help you when you killed Annabeth!" Piper said coldly, cutting off Zeus.
Athena sighed.
"She has destroyed many cities including Athens...and I fear her next target is New York" Athena said "She could destroy the existence of Greek and Roman Gods as we know it"
No one uttered a sound.
They all looked at each other.
"We will help you" Percy said "But you need to bring her soul back"
"Of course" Zeus said, "May Chaos be with you"
They all nodded as Zeus teleported them to wherever the mortal girl was, which was in a secret government weapons facility in the Las Vegas desert.

Percy's POV
Missing Annabeth is an understatement.
I can't live without her at all.
When I noticed my surroundings I noticed we were surrounded by dead bodies died in various ways.
Gun shots.
Head injury.
"Ewww" Piper muttered "Let's get this over and done with"
"Wait" Thalia said, getting her bow out.
A high pitch laughter filled the air.
"Well That was fun" She said in a familiar voice.
Above on the upper level walkway you can see a young girl, twirling a gun in her hand that looked really familiar.
She has long electric blue hair which is in braids, wearing a dark red-pink and black bra, black shorts, cartridge belts, gloves, arm guards, belts, black combat boots and one pink legging which goes up her right leg.
She turned towards us, ruby pink eyes turning to us.
She gasped happily and jumped down towards us, making us grab our weapons.
"Looky Who we have here; demigods" she said, and then laughed "It's been a while since I've seen one"
"You're coming with us" Frank said, "You've caused too much-"
"Panic? Pain? Terror? Kinda the idea buddy" She said and aimed her gun at us "Now let's see if pow-pow has enough bullets"
Pow-Pow...where have I heard that before?
"You're crazy!" Jason said.
"I'm not crazy, I'm Jinx!" She yelled, with a crazy smirk "I know I'm crazy, I've got a doctor's note"
"Your name's Jinx?" Nico asked.
"Yeah Jinx...stands for Jinx duh!" Jinx said "Now who do I kill first?"
"Maybe no one" I said "We don't want to hurt-"
"That's what they said before ahhhhh!"
Suddenly she shot at us, making us dive behind two massive wooden boxes.
Me, Piper, Jason and Frank on the left and Hazel, Frank, Nico, Leo and Thalia on the right.
"Stay still, I'm trying to shot you!!" She yelled "Stupid, Stupid, stupid!"
"The one time I really want a gun" I muttered, looking around the box to be shot at.
I quickly went back, only just missing me.
"Hades" I muttered.
"I'm sorry! I accidentally did that on purpose!" Jinx yelled, laughing her head off "Everybody panic!"
"You're breaking more rules than-"
"Oh I remember you, you're that sparky boy!" Jinx said, making most of us freeze "Well rules are made to be buildings...or people!"
How does she know Jason?
"Were you a demigod?" Leo asked.
"A demigod? You kidding right?" Jinx asked "No way! Why would I?...JUST COME OUT ALREADY I'M GETTING BORED!!!"
I sense her looking at the box I'm hiding behind.
"Come on, no need to be scared...or alive for that matter!" She teased.
I smirked, if she wants to play it that way.
"Percy, what are you thinking?" Piper asked.
"Something crazy" I answered, walking out there.

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