Turned part 2

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Percy's POV

"What was that about?" Annabeth asked as we all gathered a bunker 9. They were all around the table while I stood, leading against the door.
"No idea" Jason said "Maybe Percy would know"
They all looked at me, making me rise my eyebrow.
"How would I know?" I asked stubbornly.
"You never told us about your father disowning you!!!! Or being immortal!" Annabeth said, sounding hurt.
"Or that Leo was killed by them!" Piper snarled scarily, making everyone but me jump.
I shrugged.
"And you wondered why I left for 3 years..." I muttered annoyed.
"Percy!" Frank said "We want the truth?"
"What truth is there to tell when lies keep you safe?" I asked, making them gasp.
"What has happened to you Percy!" Annabeth cried "It's like we don't know you anymore"
"Thats because you never did!" I snapped and stormed out, only to bump into a gothic friend on the way back to my cabin.

"Hey Nico" I said, making him narrow his eyes "What?"
"So the gods found out?" Nico asked "And the others did too?"
"The gods only realised that there is a rouge demigod and the others found out about Leo..." I said coldly.
Nico rolled his eyes.
"I heard form other campers you had 'fire' powers" Nico said "Seriously dude! Control it"
"I was in the zone!" I complained "Not my fault they decided to chain me up and found out I'm immortal as well as found out Poseidon disowned me!"
"They found that out too?" Nico said, rolling his eyes "I'm quiet surprised that they didn't realise it"
I laughed.
"Shut up deathbreath" I muttered.
"No you shut up monster boy" He muttered quieter as we started to walk pass demigods who stared at me and whispered to their friends.
With my good hearing I picked up that they were talking about Poseidon disowning me.
"Don't have anything else interesting to talk about than me?" I said loudly, making demigods around me freeze "Thought so"
"Percy..." Nico muttered "Don't scare the campers"
"It's fun" I muttered back as I saw the seven glaring at me "Oh great"
"You should put that on a t-shirt" Nico said, making me widen my eyes in surprise and laughed like crazy.
"Seriously?" I asked, still laughing "You might as well give that to me for my birthday"
"I think I might" he said and walked off, making me stop laughing.
"Hey, are you serious?" I said, running after him only to bump into the others.

"Hey..." I said awkwardly.
"You had a change in mood" Annabeth said, crossing her arms.
"It's good not to have someone looking over my shoulder all the time" I answered sassily back, making Nico laugh as he asked behind me.
"Wait" I said, looking at him as he came to my side "How did you get behind me? You were in front of me!"
"I'm a muggle magician" he said.
"Stop being a Huffle-"
"I am Slytherin!" Nico complained.
"And I am too so stuck it up and shut up" I snapped, making him roll his eyes.
I looked at the others who glared at me.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Annabeth asked, catching everyone's attention.
"What?" I asked.
"You're like bi polar or something!! You act cold around everyone but Nico where you are your usual self!" Annabeth snapped.
"Shut up Nicole" I said, making him growl at me while Piper laughed.
"Only if you will Perrie" he answered.
"I'm having a conversation so I can't, sorry honey" I sassied and turned back to my friends "I am not bi polar, there is a reason why I'm acting this way; only a couple of people including Nico know why"
"And why wouldn't you tell us!" Annabeth said "To your friends! To me!"
"Annabeth..." I whispered, my old flaw coming through.

I cursed silently, I've been trained not to show it!
"Percy?" Nico whispered "Dude, calm down"
I looked down and noticed my hands was tightly closed.
I widen my eyes, I can't close control.
"I have to go" I said quickly and walked away from them.
I felt someone grab my arm.
"Percy, enough! Talk to us" Annabeth said.
I closed my eyes and sighed.
"What is there to tell?" I asked in a monotone voice.
I can't let it show....
Great, now I sound like Elsa.
I can see the tips of my hair changing to a purple....shit, shit.
"Percy, look at me!" She said as she heard the campers in front of me gasp at my hair and eye colour change.
"Please don't make me do it" I whispered "Please"
I can feel her grip loosen up.
"Look. At. Me" she whispered "Please"
I sighed and looked at her, making the seven gasped.
"What exactly happened to you when you're away" Jason asked.

"He killed innocent people, thats what he did!" Poseidon yelled.
I turned to my right to see the Olympians staring wide eyed at me.
Everyone but me, the seven and Nico didn't bow.
"Percy would never kill anyone!" Annabeth said, making me flinch.
"Um...about that" I started.
"You are to be punished!" Zeus said "You're the dangerous demigod right under our noses!"
Everyone gasped, Annabeth let go of me.
I sighed; this is really the worse way to get found out.
But I just have to deal with it.
I rolled my eyes and crossed them.
"Training with monsters for over 3 years does that type of stuff to you" I answered, making the demigods gasp.
"Monsters?" A little girl asked "Did they hurt you?"
"They never did" I answered her, smiling "They were kind type"
"Drama queen calm your crown would you?" I asked, making Hera snort.
"Me? How dare you!" I snapped "You killed Leo, the person who saved us from Gaea, without second thought because you thought he was a traitor!!!! And then Poseidon bloodily disowned me for being too powerful so I left and found unusual beings who saved me from my flaw breaking me and made me greater"
"If you count cold greater..."
"Shut up Jason" I said.
"You will be thrown into Tartarus!" Zeus yelled, making the demigods gasp.
I rose an eyebrow.
"Wait, are you serious?" I asked and then laughed "Zeus, you don't know anything about my powers; you've only seen the tip of the iceberg, even without Poseidon's help"
I gave Zeus my Lupa glare, making him flinch.
"You have just made an enemy Zeus; you mess with my friends, you mess with me...think about that"
And I flashed off in flames, knowing I'll never come back.

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