Just keep Breathin'

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A/n so this story is going to be based around how Percy dealt with his memories of Tartarus. So it's 3 months after the war and everyone was happy...well, Percy wasn't. He had a mask on. Annabeth was lucky enough for her mother to remove her nightmares from her but Percy still suffered...and suffered alone...until one day.

Warning: this will have suicidal thoughts, negative thoughts, panic attack, starving, self harming and mentions of suicidal attempts. If you are easily triggered by this, please do not read. My describing of these events will not be the best, as I have only experienced some of these, but DO NOT RISK IT.

Inner voice is italics
And flash backs are ~bold italics~

Thanks and enjoy the story.

Percy's POV
I groaned as I noticed the sun coming through.
Another night of no sleep.
I stood up with shaky legs and walked to the bathroom and wasn't surprised with what I saw.
I looked really pale, massive bags underneath my eyes and my eyes were red and puffy from crying.
I flicked my hand and immediately all of it was removed and I looked like my normal cheery self.
I made a deal with Hecate, as I helped her children get recognised and have a cabin she gave me similar abilities to what her children would have.
So I can master spells quickly and use mist effectively.
Which means I can cover my real self.
And put a sound-proof barrier around my cabin so no one can hear my screams and cries.
I put on my fake smile and noticed a familiar blade catch the light and shine into my eye.
'They don't even care...they don't even notice' the regular voice in my head said as I went to pick up the blade.
'You could have saved so many people, but because you were even born; many people died' the voice said again.
I felt a familiar and welcoming pain as I moved my blade across my wrist, not even making any blood.
'You're not even strong enough to harm yourself, you fuckin' twat' the voice said 'do it harder'
I continued to cut, blood streaming out of my arm, making me hold back a cry.
'Crying now? You cry baby, crying is weak'
In the end I cut all the way up my arms.
I quickly went to work to cover it up with a bandage and put on my black long sleeve top I found in the corner of my bathroom.
I put my camp half-blood top on after with shorts and sneakers.
It's winter, they will understand.
"Percy, it's breakfast, come on sleepyhead!" I heard Annabeth say.
I rolled my eyes and walked out, seeing my happy girlfriend.

"Hey Wisegirl" I said and kissed her on the cheek.
Annabeth giggled.

~the look of horror on Annabeth's face as she realise I was was doing.
"Stop it Percy, Stop it!" She cried.
She looked scared.
Frightened of me~

"You okay Percy?" Annabeth asked.
I put on my fake smile.
"Why wouldn't I be with my girlfriend?" I asked, making her laugh "Come on, I'm starving"
'You're too fat to eat, oh my god, what are you? A pig?'
I notice the chilly winter air as Annabeth and I walked hand in hand to the pavilion, where all of our friends were already there.
I parted ways, headed to my father's table, confusing all of them.
I normally sat with Jason.
'Why do you even call him your father? You're just a tool he's going to throw away'
I sat down and looked at my plate, blue pancakes appearing in front of me.
I heard my stomach grumble, making me smile faintly of the memories of my mum.
I grabbed my cutlery, ready to try and eat it.
'Just what do you think you're doing?'
I froze just before I cut into the pancake.
'They can't have a fat hero, you pig'
I sighed, and put my knife and fork down and stared at my plate.
I looked up and noticed my friends didn't even glance over at me, just happily laughing and having fun...without me.
'See? They don't even care. They used you for fame and when they got it, they ditched you'
I noticed Rachel glaring at me with concern.
'Are you okay?' she mouthed.
I shrugged.
She's the only one who knows about my problem.
'You're the problem, a waste of space, just fuckin' die already; no one will care'
Rachel sighed and walked over to me, catching the attention of my 'friends' as she walked past Jason's table.
She sat right next to me, and smiled faintly.
"Breathe" she whispered in my ear "You look like you're going to pass out, even with you mist"
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in.

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