Turned part one

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A/n so in this story it after the wars and Percy went to the Olympians to thank them but then he saw them with a hurt Leo and killed him because he apparently worked for Gaea because there was no way he survived the attack on Gaea, and the gods then announced that they found Leo's body already dead. Percy grew angry with the gods and ran off, and got trained by monsters he found (i know it sounds strange but go with it). He is blessed by Thanatos and becomes immortal, have high senses and can speak to monsters. He got a new appearance; dark purple tips on the edge of his messy black hair, a slight darker colour sea-green. He kept his new powers and appearance hidden.
This scene is based 2 mouths after he came back.

Percy's POV

"There is a new threat on the rise" the king of the gods, Zeus said.
I rolled my eyes, even though I hate the guts of these Olympians for killing Leo and lying about it, I have to act like I've 'cooled down after Leo's death' even though I was training.
"Who is it lord Zeus?" Annabeth asked.
The rest of the seven and I are currently in the emergency meeting of the gods, apparently there's a new deadly force rising.
"We do not know daughter" Athena said "All we know is that he is a rouge demigod who will stop at nothing to kill us Olympians...and we believe he would have the power to. He has his ways with the monsters; they actually trust him"
Everyone, including me gasped.
Wait...they think I'm a threat?
Hades, this is funny.
"Who can be that powerful and hide from you?" Hazel asked.
All the gods looked at me.
"Me?" I asked, with betrayal in my voice "Are you going to accuse me of something I didn't do like Leo?"
The demigods gasped.
"What are you talking about Percy?" Jason asked.
I looked at Hera and Apollo as realisation appeared on their face.
"He was there" Hera said.
Zeus' face went red.
I crossed my arms.
"I was coming in to say thank you for the help you've done for the giant war but then I saw Leo's tortured body and you sentenced him to death because he was a spy for Gaea and shouldn't have survived the attack he put himself upon; but you forgot he was a fire user so of course he would survive. I swear on the river Styx that everything I said is true" I reported as thunder broke out.
The demigods looked at me wide eyed as they noticed I'm not dead, and then looked at their parents with shock.
"Why would you do this?" Piper asked, tears falling down her face.
"To be honest the only gods that didn't take part were Artemis, Hera, Apollo, Athena and Aphrodite" I said.
The gods and goddesses that were mentioned nodded with agreement.
Zeus growled.
"How dare you-"
"Excuse me?" I asked, stepping towards them "How dare I what? Trying to say thank you but in return saw the death of one of my close friends?!?!? No wonder why I ran off for 3 years..."
"What were you doing in that time?" Poseidon asked.
I rolled my eyes.
"Trying to stay alive, what else?" I reported harshly.
"Don't talk to your father like that Percy!" Frank said "It's disrespectful"
"So killing someone for no reason is not?" I snapped.
"Percy, what has gotten into you?" Annabeth asked.
"Nothing; I've just opened my eyes to the lies" I said.
Zeus raised his thunderbolt at me.
"YOU ARE TO BE KILLED?" He yelled, red as ever.
"On what charge?" I asked loudly.
"Betrayal" Poseidon said.
I laughed.
"Betrayal? You do realise my flaw is loyalty right?" I asked.
"I'm pretty sure you're the lair here Lord Zeus" I said mockingly, and bowed the same way.
"He is lying in a way" Apollo said.
"I thought you were on my side" I muttered to myself.
Athena stared at me, trying to work me out.
"And before you do anything" I said "Don't put-"
Celestial gold chains appeared on my wrists.
"-chains on my wrists, now I'm going to be silent"

"Let Percy go father; he's a hero!" Jason said as Zeus flickered into the form of Jupiter but changed back to Zeus.
"No, he is too powerful" Zeus said.
Jason stood next to me, looking quiet hurt at his father.
"Technically I'm the son of Jupiter who is more powerful than Poseidon, no offence my lord" Jason said, earning a nod from Poseidon "So you should be chaining me up more than Percy"
"You're siding with the traitor?" Zeus asked, his face turning red.
"Father, you have no prove of why to accuse Percy of this, this is unwise" Athena said, shocking me.
Why would she stand up to me?
'Because me, as well as Athena, Aphrodite and Artemis, know about your new powers and are okay with them. The other gods are blind to realise this; We will try and help you as much as we can because in the way my father is going; the whole seven will join...your side' Athena said in my head, making me nod.
"You have torn the council apart, what do you have to say for yourself?" Zeus asked, getting his lightning bolt and aiming it at me.
I looked at Poseidon who only stared coldly at me.
"Nothing at all; it was your doing, not mine" I said coldly "And you have also made an enemy"

"Percy" Hera said "Please, my husband did not mean that"
I gave her a smile.
"I know Lady Hera, but his ego and pride has blinded him" I answered.
She chuckled.
"This normally what happens" Hera said, making me laugh.
"I haven't laughed like that in a while" I said.
Annabeth and the others looked at me with slight hope.
Since I come back I was a little cold and isolated myself for a while.
I only actually was myself around Nico, who knew about my powers.
"You trained yourself too hard" Athena said, making me roll my eyes.
"There's no such thing as training too hard, I thought you would want me to continue twice a week of a day of battle strategies" I said, smirking.
The demigods gasped while Athena chuckled.
"Have you gotten better with your bow and arrow?" Artemis asked.
I smirked and summoned my silver bow and arrow she gave me. I pulled back my bow, the chains cutting my wrists, and released it to hit Apollo...in his manhood.
I flinched as he yelled in pain.
"Sorry lord Apollo" I said.
He smiled weakly.
"It's okay Percy" Artemis said "He deserves it"
I held a laugh but then Jason gasped.
I looked at him with worry.
"Why do you have gold blood?" Jason asked.
I looked at my wrists to see blood coming out of it.
"Why do you think?" I reported, smirking slightly.
He gasped.
"You're immortal?!?" He whispered next to me.
I nodded.
"Can you heal me please Apollo?" I asked loudly.
"Son, move away" Zeus said, getting annoyed at Jason holding my wrists in front of me.
"Sure P-"
"NO APOLO!" Zeus yelled "I order you not to"
Jason looked at me with fear in his eyes.
"I'll be fine Jace; go back to the others and whatever happens don't forget" I said.
He started to shake his head.
"Pipes, can you charm speak him please?" I asked.
Piper grabbed Jason away from me, leaving everyone to gasp.

"HOW ARE YOU IMMORTAL?" Zeus yelled.
I made a fake shocked/scared face.
"I don't know" I said frantically.
"DON'T LIE TO US BOY!" Poseidon yelled.
"I seriously don't know!!" I said, "Why don't you believe me father?"
Poseidon narrowed his eyes.
I smirked.
"I'm sorry Poseidon; I forgot you disowned me" I snarled "My mistake"
Everyone widen their eyes.
"YOU DISOWNED HIM?!!?" Hera, Athena, Artemis and Annabeth yelled.
"I can't believe it..." Piper muttered, trying to hold Jason back.
I swear if he doesn't have a minor flaw of loyalty I'll kill someone.
Oh wait...
"I might as well adopt him then, he is smart enough to be a son of mine; no offence to my daughter but he is smarter than her" Athena said, making everyone gasp and look at me.
"Ha ha" I muttered sarcastically "Very funny Athena"
"I'm serious on the smart part" Athena said.

"ENOUGH!!!!" Zeus yelled, making everyone silent "HE IS TO BE KILLED?"
"Why? Because I'm too powerful?" I snapped "Afraid I'll beat you?"
"Percy..." Annabeth muttered.
"Put your hand up if you object" Zeus said.
Everyone but Poseidon, Zeus and Ares but their hand up.
"Overruled husband; he is to be set-"
"No" Poseidon said "He is dangerous!"
"You're saying that about your own son Poseidon! Your own blood!" Hera said "You'll listen to me as I say he is released and that's final!"
The chains disappeared from my wrists making me sigh.
"And I still have blood on my wrists" I muttered "At lest it's not as bad with training"
"Training?" Frank asked.
I turned around to see all of my friends.
"My training goes for a very long time and is hard" I said, making my hands catch fire.
"Um...how did you do that? And how are you immortal?" Annabeth asked.
"I'll tell you at camp" I said as Hera teleported us back before Zeus could do anything.

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