Who is in control?

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A/N so this is based off of a video I saw on youtube about Mark/Darkiplier in 'who killed Markiplier?'. It is above.

So this story is based after the war and just before the events of trial of Apollo.
The war has effected everyone, all but Percy.
Percy seemed cheery as normal.
However, Percy's hiding his sorrows and is close to going insane.
Can his friends help him?

Percy's POV
I groaned, walking up.
'Pathetic' the voice in my head said.
I rolled my eyes
I heard a dark chuckle in my head.
I got out of bed and got a long sleeve top on, to try and cover up the red stains on my hands form earlier.
I heard the laughter in my head as I heard a scream from outside.
I quickly got changed and sprinted outside to see a child, dead, outside the cabins.
"Aria!" I heard a blonde haired girl said.
Aria must a a daughter of Athena.
I fought a smirk.
Annabeth tried to pull away the blonde haired girl but she kept on screaming.
"This is a tragedy" Chiron said.
"Who did this?" Annabeth asked "It looks like she died from a weapon wound"
"It doesn't look like self harm" I said, crouching down to the body.
I touched the blood on her chest, to see it was dry or not.
A little wet.
"It was done recently; overnight" I said, "The person must be someone from camp"
Everyone gasped and whispered.
I mean, nothing like this would happen in camp.
That they know off anyway.
I stood up and looked at my hands.
"Oh gods, now I have blood on me" I whispered.
"Get yourself cleaned up Percy" Chiron said "We can take it from here"

I walked off with a smirk.
I can't believe it actually worked!
Covering the blood stains on my skin by testing the victim's blood.
I can't help but to give a dark chuckle.
They're all idiots.
Suddenly, pain has felt in my head, making me clutch it.
'Kill your friends, they have done nothing more than use you for fame' the voice in my head hissed.
"Shut up!" I hissed under my breath.
'You know you want to' the voice replied.
Not now!
The pain got worse.
"Ahhh!" I snapped.
"Percy, are you okay?"
I heard footsteps come over to me.
I must not have made it to my cabin.
And now Jason has caught me.
I stood up and faced Jason with an emotionless face.
"...I'll be fine" I replied, starting to walk away.
Jason grabbed onto my arm.
"Percy, you're worrying m-"
"I said I'm fine, just leave me alone!" I snapped, pulling my arm out form his grip.
Seriously, they care too much.
Once they're dead I will have no one looking out for me.
Like it should me.
I'm a disease to be around.

~3 days later~

I woke up on the right side of the bed today.
I've killed 4 people since the first one 3 days ago.
And it feels soooooo good.
I smiled to myself.
This will be a good day of avoiding my so called 'friends'.

As soon as I walked out my cabin, I was bombarded by the rest of the seven.
"Hey guys, good morning" I said with a fake cheeky grin.
"Hey, wanna hang out?" Leo asked.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
They're trying to investigate me.
Annabeth has that look in her eye.
Well I have been acting more distant to them the last couple of days.
My insanity is showing through more and more each day.
"Guys, it's early in the morning and I want foo-"
"Oh come on, that hasn't stopped you before" Frank said.
"I know but I'm starving so if you're able to move out the-"
"Percy, please, you're stomach can-"
"JUST SHUT IT OKAY?" I snapped "I can't get my thoughts straight when you guys are talking!"
I widened my eyes at their shocked reactions.
I immediately pushed past them and started to walk away.
"Percy, don't push us away!" Annabeth said, making me stop and turn to them.
Now to put on my fake 'innocent' smile.
"I'm not pushing you away" I replied simply.
"You are!" Hazel said.
I looked confused.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" I asked, acting liked nothing just happened "I'm just not in the right mood this morning"
I could make them look insane.
Or even better, blame them for my 'death'...
That would get them out the-
"Stop denying it" Piper tried to charmspeak.
"I'm not denying something that isn't true" I reported.
They're not getting anything out of-
"I saw you the other day, you don't have to be strong. We all know about Tartarus..." Jason said.
I narrowed my eyes.
Now they're going to think they hit a nerve and I will break down.
I'm not pathetic like I used to be.
They're going to regret bring that up.
"You don't know anything" I snapped, startling them again.
"Percy..." Piper whispered.
I did my fake, cheerful laugh.
"Come on guys, I'm not hiding anything, you know me!" I said with a goofy grin.
It almost convinced them.
"I don't know if I do anymore..." Annabeth whispered.
Now, my 'flaw' can come into play.
"So you're accusing me of lying?" I said, crossing my arms.
They widen their eyes as they heard the 'hurt' in my voice and realised my flaw.
Idiots, just like their parents.
"No, no that's not what we-" Hazel tried to reason but I'm one step ahead of her.
"You're accusing me of lying, unbelievable" I said, acting betrayed.
"We're just worried okay? You've been acting differently since the war" Frank said.
"War changes people, you should know that by now" I replied.
"But you're you...nothing can bring you down" Leo said with a positive smile.
Oh how you're blinded by my smiles.
"Then you don't really know me then" I replied, turning away.
"With my flaw...people died because of me and you think I would rub that off! I'm a monster Annabeth, so it's best you stay away from me!" I said, acting stressed.
They're going to think now that the stress is finally getting to me.
But I'm way pass that.
I have to show them step by step or they will explode with shock.
"Percy..." Annabeth whispered.
Too many people care for me.
I hate it!
"Enough! I have had enough of hiding!" I yelled.
"Hiding...what?" Jason said nervously.

I smirked and turned to them.
They looked frightened and uncomfortable at my smirk.
"You really think Tartarus would do nothing on me?" I said coldly, laughing "You're all fouls"
"Percy?" Piper whispered
"Nah uh, let me finish first slut" I started, pointing at her.
That felt so good to let out.
Everyone gasped while Jason hugged Piper.
"Don't call her that!" Jason said.
"He must controlled by-"
"You always avoid the truth Annabeth with everything. You didn't want to believe the fact Luke betrayed us, you didn't want to believe that you loved me and now you don't want to believe that I'm insane" I said.
"But what?" I asked, "Your mother has done magic with you to cure your nightmares of that place but it never left me. And because I'm the strong 'hero of Olympus' I couldn't tell anyone so I suffered by myself...but, that glass ball which cracked in Tartarus finally shattered and I knew no one would ever believe someone as perfect as Percy Jackson to be broken. So I was left with my own mind and I knew it would be hard to hide it from fame seeking asses like you guys who attach themselves to people like me...so I took it out at night"
Jason gasped.
"You...you're the one who killed all of those people" Jason said with disgust.
"Bing, bing! We have a winner!" I teased.
"They were people!" Hazel said "You killed innocent people"
"So?" I asked, playing with my nails "It's just a game"
"A game? This is a game to you!? What happened to you? What happened to the Percy I loved?" Annabeth yelled.
I noticed she is standing right in front of me.
I looked up and smirked.
I can see she's trying to analyse me.
"He died in Tartarus my sweet" I said "He died when he realised that he was being used and used again by those egotistical gods and never getting a reward, he died when he realised his so called 'friends' are only fame seeking assholes who care 'so much for the hero'"
She looked at me with shock.
"Every Greek hero has a bad ending Annabeth, you should have known that before you fell for me" I snarled and vapour traveled away from them.
It's time to show them who's really in control.

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