Nico's baby sitting abilities

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This short story was inspired and requested thanks to Travel_to_desire who messaged me to do this.
I'm quiet surprised I forgot about this and I should have written a short story on this ages ago. I'm sorry for the delay, I've been very stressed lately.

Well here it is so enjoy!

Third POV
Nico doesn't know what to do.

He is beyond clueless on the subject on children.

Frankly even powers to begin with.

His half-sister, Hazel, and the legacy of Mars, Frank have had a small child.

Which has inherited Frank's powers.

And currently the small child, around 3 years old, has turned herself into a fly.

And Nico doesn't know where she is.

"Bianca! Where are you?" Nico yelled.

It's strange for him to call that name again after so many years.

But his half-sister, who apparently met Bianca before coming back to life, wanted to name her that.

Even though the child doesn't look like his full blooded sister it pains him to say that name and think of all the memories they had.

He suddenly hear a giggle, catching him of off guard.

He saw a flash and the toddler was in the air, in her normal human form, falling.

Nico quickly rushed and grabbed the toddler as she fell, making the little girl giggle.

"Oh you think this is so funny ha?" Nico muttered "You devilish little girl"

"Uwocle Nico" She said, trying to pinch is nose.

He laughed and sat down with the child in his lap.

She is a nightmare but at lest she's adorable.

In this moment he finally got a detailed look at his niece.

She has Hazel's dark caramel skin, with Frank's black hair colour and Hazel's curly hair.
She got Frank's dark brown eyes.

He also noticed a very small and faint white scar on her left cheek.

Hazel had told him once that she saw a tennis ball and got excited, turned into a border collie puppy and ran after the ball, and into rose bushes with thorns.

She got scratched all over, but that one still remains.

Today she was wearing an orange and white striped onesie.

Nico looked down at the various books about animals around him.

He needed to know what animal she turned into and what can calm her down and change her form.

Or he could lose his sister's child.

And he doesn't want to see an angry Hazel with her husband who can transform into animals.

Bianca giggled and another flash appeared.

Bianca now had tiger ears and a tail.

Alarmed and tired Nico called his sister.

He has never seen anything like this before!

It could be really bad!

"Nico! What's wrong?" Hazel asked, on the other end of the phone.

"Your daughter has grown a tail and ears!" He exclaimed "She first turned into a cat, and then a bird, and a dog, then a fly and now a human with a tail and ears!"

"This is normal Nico-"

"I know but I don't think I've ever seen her in human form!" Nico said, frantic as the little girl giggled.

Hazel laughed.

"Nico, relax, she is fine" Hazel said "She does it all the time, just keep an eye on her and both of you will be okay"

"What do I do? I don't take care of children!" Nico exclaimed, making Hazel laugh, Frank's laugh muffled in the background "How do I get her to sleep or-"

"Nico" Hazel said "Bianca will be fine, just tell her a bedtime story or something like that, she will fall asleep"

"Hazel, we need to go" was heard faintly in the call, coming from Frank.

"I need to go Nico, you will be fine, we will be home soon okay? Thank you again!" Hazel said and hung up.

"But-" he said but then sighed, he put down his phone and looked at the usually silent child.

"What is it?" Nico asked, trying to sound gentle.

"Bwedtime storweee!" Bianca said, giggling with excitement.

Nico stood up and carried the child into her room, which was a basic baby blue with a wooden single bed with barriers on the side.

Nico put Bianca into her bed, and pulled the covers over her, up to her neck.

She giggled, trying to wriggle out.

"Now, if you do that you won't get your story" Nico said, as he grabbed a chair.

He turned around and noticed the child was still.

He smiled and put the chair next to her bed.

She smiled.

"What's the storwy? What's the storwy?" she asked.

Nico chuckled.

"This one is a special one, especially for your uncle Nico...are you ready to hear it?" Nico asked.

"Yeah!" Bianca said, sitting up, excited.

"Now, this is the story of your aunty" Nico said.

"Like Auwnty Pippa and Aunwety Anna-bananna?" Bianca asked.

Nico almost burst out laughing.

That's something he has to keep in mind.

"No, not those ones...this is a different one" Nico said "You were named after her"

"I am?" Bianca asked, making Nico nod.

"Alright are you ready?" Nico asked, making Bianca nod.

She slid back down into her covers, with a grin on her face.

"Okay so once upon a time there was a boy named Nico and a girl named Bianca who lived with their mummy since daddy couldn't look after them anymore..."

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