The little mermaid crossover part 2

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A/N we're making this clear that in this instance, Triton is on his own AND his blood to Poseidon is no more since he is a god and all and technically be with whoever he wants. It's just so something can happen in the story!
On with the story!

~1 hour later~

For the next hour we just talked and talked.
Or well I talked and she wrote down.
We just talked about our lives.
She talked about her sisters and her friends, Sebastian and Flounder.
I talked about my mum and my friends here at camp.
It turns out we have a lot in common.
We both love the ocean and she likes to sing...while I would like to learn how to play an instrument.
After that I taught her how to walk again and she picked up very well.
She walks perfectly fine now.
"I don't want to interrupt you to but a meeting was called"
I turned around to see Chiron.
I smiled and noticed Ariel's confused face as she looked Chiron up and down.
"This is Chiron from the Greek myths, do you know them?" I asked.
She nodded.
'I grew up reading them and my sisters telling me stories' she quickly wrote 'It's an honour to meet you sir'
I nodded.
"Thank you young one, I am very touched by your comment" Chiron said "I am unfortunately not in control of the meeting"
"What is it about?" I asked.
Chiron sighed.
"The gods are talking about marriage"
I froze.
"No" I said "I am not marrying someone who I don't know or Annabeth"
Chiron sighed.
"It is out my my power but Annabeth has finally convinced her mother that you are right for her and your father does not know about break up otherwise he would be on your side" Chiron said.
I looked at Ariel who looked sad.
'I don't want you to be married off' she wrote.
"I don't want to be either" I replied.
"Well, you haven't unlocked yet have you?" Chiron asked.
I shot my head up.
"Since I don't qualify as a demigod it won't work and my father knows that!" I said excitingly.
"You could always take Ariel for a sail while this meeting is going on, I can distract them. Poseidon already has a replacement boat out front of your cabin" Chiron said with a gleam in his eye.
I stood up from the bed and hugged him.
"Thank you!" I said.
"You're welcome now, please leave before they come looking for you"
I nodded and turned to Ariel.
"Want to go on an adventure?"
She happily nodded and followed me out of the camp.
~2 hours later (sunset)~

"So how are you liking this?" I asked Ariel, leading against the edge of the boat, with her next to me.
She nodded enthusiastically.
'I love it' she wrote.
I smiled.
"That's good" I replied.
I looked out to the ocean and sighed, looking at the sun setting.
Ariel nudged me.
I looked over to see she had wrote.
'You never told me why you loved the ocean so much'
I sighed.
"I've always felt calm and relaxed...almost like peace which I haven't had in my life at all" I replied.
She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled.
I smiled back.
I can tell shes saying 'you'll be alright'
I can see it in her eyes.
She wrote down something.
'What did Chiron mean by you're not technically a demigod?' She asked.
I sighed.
"So I was born a demigod" I said "But because I helped the gods so much with winning wars, they decided to give me and my friends a gift; all of my friends wanted immortality while I just wanted to sail the oceans I love. Even though I didn't want it, they forced immortality on me. However, my father told me to stay after the awards and instead of giving me immortality, my father gave me a special gift; to turn off my powers and demigod scent"
She widen her eyes.
"Yeah, so when you saw me...I just was sailing and there was a terrible storm, and I fell overboard saving someone else. And because of my powers being locked, I almost drowned..."
There was silence between us.
"Do you wanna go out on the smaller boat?" I asked.
She nodded.
"Come one, let's get set up"


Both Ariel and I were out on the water, only a little's way from my massive sailing boat.
"Isn't this nice?" I asked.
Suddenly I heard music.
And I knew it was the sea creatures.
I almost laughed and rolled my eyes as they sung about love...and kissing a girl.
They want me to kiss Ariel.
I looked at Ariel, who look very embarrassed.
I smiled faintly and pulled her red hair behind her ear.
I leaned in to kiss when suddenly the boat was shaken.
I immediately went defensively, looking around the water.
And that was when I noticed two tails with electricity surrounding them disappear into the darkness of the water.
I growled.
"Flotsam and Jetsam, Ursula" I growled, surprising Ariel.
She looked at me with shock before writing down something.
She showed it to me nervously.
'You know Ursula the sea witch?' She wrote.
I nodded.
"She's always wanted king Triton's throne and my father's powers over the sea" I replied.
She gasped, happily and wrote down something.
'Then you can help me!' She wrote.
I narrowed my eyes.
"Did Ursula do something to you?" I asked.
She slowly nodded.
"Can I guess? She took your voice" I said.
She nodded again.
"Why?" I asked "Why would you sell your voice"
She sighed sadly and wrote;
'To be human'
And then suddenly, everything clicked.
The red hair from the water.
Ariel appearing out of the blue and my sudden attractiveness to her.
She was the one who saved me.
She's a-
"You're a mermaid aren't you?" I asked.
She looked down with shame.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with that...I can understand what sea creatures are saying" I said, making her look up "I'm not sure if I actually said this yet; I'm the son of Poseidon"
She gasped in like a 'really' sound.
"Yes, I am and I'm not afraid to say I love you, even though I'm technically your uncle but godly blood doesn't count" I said.
I grabbed her and kissed her on the lips.
Suddenly, around her glowed and I could hear a scream from the bottom of the ocean.
Ursula's plan didn't work after all.
"Percy!" She exclaimed, the exact voice I heard on the beach.
She hugged me, making me hug her back.
Maybe this won't be too bad.
We will find a way.
Love will find a way.

Mini Percy Jackson stories [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें