Chapter 2

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"Lou it's Friday night and we're ready to- What are you doing?" Niall asked confused as he walked into his best mates bedroom to see his entire closet of clothes on the floor and him rushing around the room like a mad man with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I can't go out tonight, I'm doing something with someone." Louis said as he picked up a shirt and looked at it.

"What?! Who're you going out with?! Your only friends are us!" Niall said referring to him, Liam and Zayn as he walked over to Louis' bed and took a seat.

Louis looked up and glared at the younger lad. "First of all that's not true and second of all I have a date and I need to hurry up or I'll be late." He rushed out as he pulled off the shirt he had on and reached for a new one.

Niall looked at him shocked. The last time he remembered Louis having a date was when they were 13 and trying to convince him, Zayn and Liam he was straight. "With that guy Harry?!" He asked excitedly.

Louis felt his cheeks heat up just at hearing that name. "Yeah." He breathed out.

"That's great Lou!! What're you gonna wear?" Niall asked as he happily jumped on the bed.

"I don't know that's what I'm trying to figure out!" Louis said annoyed as he pulled off yet another shirt that didn't look good.

"Here I'll help!" Niall said as he hopped off the bed.

Niall looked at the pile of clothes on the floor and then back to Louis. "Well pants are a good place to start." He said as he reached for a pair of black skinny jeans and some briefs.

Louis quickly slipped both on as Niall sifted through the pile. Louis did his usual dance to try to get his jeans up his legs, and once they were up all the way he buttoned them and looked back to Niall.

"Alright, so are you guys just going out to eat or on a walk or something?" Niall asked.

"Well we're going out to eat and I guess if he doesn't hate me enough after dinner we'll go for a walk." Louis said as he shrugged.

Niall scoffed. "Trust me mate in those pants there is no way he's gonna hate you." He said as he eyed Louis in his jeans.

"Alright creep..." Louis said as he looked at his best mate with an odd face.

Niall chuckled to himself as he looked back down at the pile. "Here!!" He said happily as he grabbed knit charcoal colored sweater.

Louis raised his eyebrows as Niall looked up at him with a wide grin, passing the sweater to Louis. "Are you sure?" Louis asked, not convinced this would be the best choice.

"Positive mate! If you'll be going for walk later this and that black jacket with the fur collar you have will look great plus you'll be comfy and cute!" Niall said as he shoved the sweater into Louis' hands.

Louis grabbed the sweater and shrugged as he pulled it over his head and straightened it out. He walked over to his full length mirror and checked his outfit. He had to give it to Niall, he actually looked really good in something simple.

"Now what about that hair?" Niall said as he stood up and began to brush his fingers through Louis still wet feathery hair.

Louis slapped his hand away and thought for a moment. He didn't want to go for his usual messy to the side look. "Do you think I should do it up? Like push it towards the front from the back and then up into a fringe?" Louis asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh yeah mate that would look awesome!" Niall said.

Louis nodded and began to style it as Niall went in search for Louis' white vans and fall jacket. Louis took a final look in the mirror before cupping his jaw, seeing some stubble coming in. "Should I shave?" He asked as he further inspected his face.

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