Chapter 15

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Harry felt like his throat was on fire from how loud he was screaming. His feet ached and his ears were ringing but he couldn't care less as he watched Louis from the stands. Harry was grateful that Louis' jersey still fit him as he was just over two months pregnant and was getting a little bit of a bump. Even before he was pregnant the jersey was a bit small.

As the final buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game Louis' team congratulated each other as they had won 1-0, but it was a close game. They were worried that they wouldn't be able to score at all as the opposing team had the best defense in the league.

Louis was heading back to the locker room with Jake so he could quickly shower and change before leaving with Harry to get to their doctors appointment, but just before he could get off the pitch he was stopped by a wall of paps.

"Louis what's it like being the youngest captain and striker on the league?"

"When you make it to pros who do you want to play for?"

"How's the love life, as you become more popular we haven't seen you with anyone."

All Louis could do was mutter a 'no comment' before he tried to push past them and into the locker room. Jake grabbed Louis' arm and tried pulling him forward to get away from the men with cameras who tried following him.

"Thanks." Louis breathed out once they made it into the tunnel, leading to the locker rooms.

"No problem mate, that must be a real pain in the arse." Jake said.

"I'm just grateful they only try to get pictures of me here and they don't like follow me around or anything." Louis said, thinking about how annoyed he got if he or Harry or both of them were swarmed by paps in public.

"Yeah I'm surprised at that. I mean they look they're getting pretty frustrated that you won't answer, they might start looking for you other places than here." Jake said with a touch of worry in his voice. "Are you doing anything later today? You might want to lay low." He suggested as they got into the locker room.

"Harry and I have an appointment with our doctor and then we're moving our stuff into the flat, so busy day." Louis said as he began pulling off his sweaty jersey.

Jake nodded as he pulled out his clean clothes from his bag. "Just be careful today. I think they might try to follow you or something, I don't know." He said with a shrug. "They're just getting pissy you won't talk to them is all."

"Thanks mate." Louis said with a soft smile. "Wait shit, what time is it?" He asked, suddenly nervous.

"About 3, why?" Jake asked.

"We have to be at the doctors in a  half hour, agh shit." Louis said before pulling off the rest of his clothes and quickly throwing on his clean ones. "Thanks again, and I'll talk to you later mate, bye!" Louis rushed out before stuffing his footie clothes into his bag and nearly sprinting out the door.

Harry leaned against Louis' car, checking his phone about every minute. "C'mon Lou." He muttered to himself, not wanting to be late.

"Hi! Hey! Sorry, I'm coming!" Louis yelled as he ran to the parking lot.

Harry snapped his head up and smiled at the older lad. "Thanks for showing up." He said through a chuckle.

"Sorry, the paps caught me as I was trying to go into the locker room and I couldn't shower, but I'm here and it's all alright." Louis said before walking over to Harry and kissing him sweetly.

Harry smiled into the kiss but was startled as he heard a camera go off. He broke the kiss and looked up to see about three men, taking pictures of them. "Lou." Harry said, nodding over to them.

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