Chapter 42

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"Louis c'mon we're on in two minutes." Marcus said as he pulled on the younger lad's arm.

Louis let out a deep breath and nodded as he walked away from the mirror and followed his mate towards the set. He saw that a couch was set up and then another chair he figured that was for the interviewer. Cameras were ready and both he and Marcus had their microphones on so he figured they were to be called out any second.

A moment later the lights on the set were dimmed and the interviewer who introduced himself as Jean came out in front of the cameras.

"So here with us today are two of the best players from the Manchester United football team, captain and striker Louis Tomlinson, and right forward Marcus Healey." Jean introduced to the cameras in a thick french accent.

Both Marcus and Louis let out a deep breath but put smiles on their faces as they walked onto the set and waved at the camera. As they approached Jean they offered their hands to him and he shook them politely before both boys took a seat on the couch.

"So first off let me welcome you to Paris France. I understand your team has been travelling all over France these past two weeks for games." Jean said through a small smile.

"Thank you, and yeah we have. The longest we've stayed in one place is about four days I think." Marcus said happily.

"And how has that been for you guys? It must be tiring to move around, and not only that but I know Louis has a family and you're engaged. How is it being away from them?" Jean asked.

Louis let out a quiet breath as he glanced over to the side of the set even though he knew Harry wouldn't be there. He still hoped that by some magical coincidence he would just show up.

"I talk to my fiancé everyday, and yeah it's hard being away from her but we're doing the best we can." Marcus said with a small frown. "It does help that we've won every game though, right Lou?" He asked the younger lad through a chuckle as he clapped him on the back.

"Yeah it's great." Louis said through a half hearted smile. "I know the boys have been working really hard every game and it's awesome to see all the work we did before we came to France put to use."

Marcus furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the younger lad and leaned in closer to him. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

Louis bit his lip and nodded as he let out a deep breath. "I'm good." He whispered back.

"Louis how has it been for you without your family? I know that you're one of the very few players that is married with kids. What's it like not having them here with you?" Jean asked curiously.

Louis couldn't help but let a small smile grace his lips as he heard how Jean pronounced his name. "It's um, it's really hard not having my husband and kids with me." He said quietly. "I miss them more and more everyday, but we try our best to talk and video chat as much as possible."

"You should see him." Marcus said as he laughed to himself. "If we're not eating, sleeping or playing he's talking to them. Even makes a point every night to read a book to his kids before bed over video chat, really the cutest thing anyone has ever seen." He said through his laughter.

Louis rolled his eyes playfully as he lightly punched his mate in the arm. "Sorry I miss my kids, how terrible of me." He said sarcastically.

"Mate you've been a right mess since we got here. Well no I shouldn't say that you did get a bit better like the third day but still." Marcus said teasingly.

Louis was about to banter back but Jean stopped him as he was chuckling to himself, watching the pair bicker. "Now Louis one of your kids is deaf, is that correct?" He asked.

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