Chapter 4

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"Lou... Louis!"

Louis felt someone shaking his shoulder and he opened his eyes and saw someone standing over him as he was on top of Harry in the dark living room with the television still on. He looked down and saw Harry still sleeping and a warm smile came to his face before he shifted his gaze to his mum who was standing over him. "What?" He asked groggily.

"It's past midnight, you need to bring Harry home." She whisper yelled.

Louis' eyes went wide as he realized he was bringing Harry home extremely late for the second time in two days. He nodded quickly and Jay looked down at the sleeping boy his son was laying on before smiling softly to herself and walking out of the living room.

When Louis looked back down at Harry he took in his soft features as he slept. Louis smiled to himself before leaning down and connecting their lips sweetly. Louis knew Harry was awake when he heard the younger boy gasp but then kiss him back. Harry pulled Louis down on him as he wrapped his arms around Louis' back and Louis moved his hand to cup Harry's jaw.

"It's past midnight." Louis mumbled against Harry's lips.

Harry released the kiss and let out a deep breath. "How long were we asleep for?" He asked.

Louis shrugged. "I think like 4 or 5 hours."

"Shit, I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight." Harry complained.

"Hm, well we could do what we did earlier. That seemed to make you pretty tired." Louis said jokingly with a slight smirk.

Harry chuckled to himself and shook his head. "We don't have time for that."

"Damn it." Louis said through a slight laugh. "Alright, well let's get up so I can drive you home." He said as he pat Harry's chest.

As Louis sat up and off Harry he stretched and yawned. He looked down at Harry and saw him still laying down. "C'mon babe, up." Louis instructed.

"I can just walk home, you don't have to drive me Lou." Harry said as he sat up slightly.

"I want to." Louis said through a shy smile.

Harry smiled back at him as Louis offered his hand to help Harry stand up, and Harry graciously accepted it. The pair made their way to the foyer and Louis grabbed Harry's coat for him and helped him put it on before he put his shoes on. Once Harry had his shoes on Louis opened the front door for him and followed him out of the house. The pair walked over to Louis' car and Louis opened the door for Harry.

"I am officially banning you from opening any more doors for me." Harry said through a chuckle.

Louis laughed at him and walked over to the other side of the car and hopped in. "Sorry, it's what you signed up for." He said as he buckled his seatbelt and started the car.

Harry scoffed. "I never agreed to anything." He said as Louis began to back out of the driveway.

"Not yet, you haven't." Louis said with a small smile on his face as he put the car in drive and began to cruise down the road.

Harry eyed him curiously as Louis reached for his hand. He intertwined their fingers and Louis' squeezed gently. "What do you mean not yet?" Harry asked confused.

Louis looked over at Harry with a slight blush and he was grateful it was dark so Harry couldn't see. "W-well just that uh I don't know if its- well if it may be too early since we only had one date, well two if you counted today, if maybe you, I mean we, no, no I mean you-"

"Lou spit it out." Harry said through a light chuckle as he heard Louis stumbling over his words and confusing himself.

Louis glanced over at Harry again and wouldn't be surprised if his heart pounded out of his chest at any second as his nerves took control of him. "Uhm I was just gonna ask if maybe you wanted to uh make us l-like official. Like boyfriends." Louis stuttered out nervously.

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