Chapter 45

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Louis had his tongue in between his lips as he kept his eyes on the tv and his hands firmly on the game console controller. He was sitting with his back comfortably against the couch and Cody fast asleep on his chest.

"Hey Lou?" Harry asked from the other side of the couch with his computer in his lap.

"Hmm?" Louis hummed as he slammed his fingers on the controller, wanting his avatar to run down the virtual pitch.

"We need to figure out a wedding gift to give Niall and Gem." Harry said as he glanced up from his laptop and to the older lad.

Louis kept his eyes trained on the tv and grumbled to himself as the virtual players were getting in his face as he had the ball. Then again he was playing on the hardest setting, but all the other settings were too easy so Louis figured he would just get even better than he already was.

"Babe." Harry said, trying to get his attention.

"I'm listening." Louis said as he moved the controller toggle and then pressed the 'A' button quickly, trying to score. "Dammit." He muttered when the goalie blocked his shot.

Louis glanced over at his husband and saw him giving him that look 'are you kidding me?' and Louis immediately paused the game and muttered a quiet 'sorry' before giving the younger lad his attention.

"What should we get them?" Harry asked. "I tried going online to get some ideas but I just don't know."

"Isn't there like a registry thing that Gemma made for this exact thing? Like she went to a store and just picked out a bunch of stuff for people to get her and Ni?" Louis asked as he kept looking between the tv and his husband, his hands itching to pick up the controller again.

"She said she didn't want to." Harry said as he shook his head. "I mean I had one idea but it's a bit much for a simple wedding gift."

"What was it?" Louis asked as he slowly reach for the controller again, hoping Harry wouldn't get mad at him or notice.

"Yesterday morning when Ni and I were prepping for breakfast at the cafe we were talking about the wedding and everything and he told me that they don't have enough money to-"

"C'mon you piece of shit!!" Louis yelled at the tv as his thumbs were rapidly pressing the buttons down.

"Louis!" Harry said annoyed as he stood up and took the controller from the older lad and paused the game. "Just listen for five seconds." He huffed.

"Sorry." Louis said quietly "You were saying something about money." He said giving his undivided attention to his husband.

Harry let out a quiet breath as he placed the controller on the coffee table and running his fingers through his hair. "Niall was saying that they didn't have enough money to go on a honeymoon, at least not for a while. You know with them paying for the wedding and everything it's taken a lot from them." He explained.

"Seriously?" Louis asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well yeah Gem's job is good and then with the cafe opening and bringing in the amount of money it has it's great for Ni but a wedding is a lot of money, you know that." Harry said.

"Alright so what was your idea for a present then?" Louis asked, but he had an idea as to where this was going.

"I was thinking that we could surprise them with a honeymoon." Harry said quietly, not quite sure how Louis would react.

"That's quite the gift." Louis said through a chuckle as he shifted his sleeping son on his chest. "And where would we ship them off to?" He asked through a smile.

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