Chapter 28

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Before Harry and Louis knew it fall came and their three year anniversary was right around the corner.

Harry never thought he would ever get over the bundle of nerves that came to him when he thought of something he could get, or do for Louis and for their anniversary. He thought that maybe he could get one of the guys to watch Alexis so they could go out to a nice dinner. But when it comes to a gift Harry was kind of at a loss. He thought about it weeks before their anniversary even came up and as each day passed he just got more and more anxious.

A week before their anniversary though as Harry was picking up their bedroom he found Louis' tattered fall coat laying on the floor. As soon as Harry picked it up and saw how runned down it looked he immediately got an idea.

Harry made quick work of getting Louis' laptop and searching the web, wanting to get his gift before he got back home from his walk with Alexis.

A half hour later Harry had ordered the gift and erased the computers history before putting it back in it's place, wanting it to seem like it had never been touched.

"He's gonna love it Haz." Niall said as he laid on the couch and ate some crisps.

Harry smiled over at his irish mate as he walked back into the living room and took a seat on the recliner. He was grateful that Niall had stopped by to hang out for a bit as Liam went to the park with with Louis and Alexis. "Thanks mate, I hope it gets here in time. I put that express shipping on it, but until it's here I won't stop worrying." He said through a chuckle.

"It'll be fine." Niall waved off as his mouth was full. "So do ya think Lou is gonna pop the question?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at the younger lad.

"What?" Harry asked, nearly choking on air.

"Do you think he's gonna ask you to marry him? Seriously Haz it's a simple question." Niall huffed.

"Niall that is not a simple question!!" Harry said with wide eyes.

"Harry it's yes or no, pick one."

"Then no, I don't think he will." Harry said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What? Why?" Niall asked with furrowed eyebrows.

At that Harry's heart nearly stopped. Had Louis talked to Niall about proposing? Did Niall know something Harry didn't? "H-he didn't say he was to you... Did he?" Harry stuttered out quietly.

"No." Niall said as he munched on some more crisps. "I dunno just when we came back from the beach trip he's been actin kinda funny, but in a good way. Like he's just lookin at you with even bigger heart eyes than he normally does, so I just thought that maybe he had something big planned."

Harry stayed silent in his seat as he looked at his best mate. Niall was talking about this like it wasn't a big deal, but to Harry it was everything. When Louis got down on one knee when Harry graduated and tricked him his heart stopped as he saw what his boyfriend was doing.

Harry knew he wanted to spend forever with Louis but with everything that was going on back then when he graduated he really didn't know what his answer would be to Louis if actually had been proposing.

With where they are in their lives right now though maybe. They were really starting to get the hang of everything with school, work and Louis' footie popularity escalating. But as Harry thought about it he was thinking maybe another year they could get there. They could take their relationship to the next level.

"Harry?" Niall asked, taking the younger lad out of his trance.

Harry perked his head up and saw his best mate looking at him worriedly.

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