Chapter 80

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"This is boring." Cody groaned as he looked out on the pitch and saw his daddy running with his team.

Harry let out a quiet breath because yeah it was extremely boring. It's like they weren't watching a game since United was crushing whatever American team they were playing.

Just 10 more minutes. Alexis signed to her brother, making him let out a relieved breath. "Pop what are we doing after this?" Alexis asked as she turned to her father.

"Your dad and I got tickets to Seaworld. We're gonna see some fish, even a show with dolphins." Harry said, directed at Rosie.

"Dolphins!!" Rosie shrieked, making a few heads turn their way.

"Rosie geez, calm down." Alexis said as she looked over at her sister.

"Al stop, she's excited." Harry said as he pulled the toddler closer to his chest. "That's right love we're gonna see some dolphins, maybe even a couple whales." He said as he kissed Rosie's head.

"When are we gonna go on rides?" Alexis asked, looking forward to that the most.

Harry bit his lip, trying to remember when he and Louis planned for that. "Uhm in two days I think we'll be going to Disney World."

Alexis nodded happily, more than thrilled to finally be able to go to Disney World and spend the day going on rides and eating junk food normally something her pop wouldn't let her have. She could have her dad sneak her some even if her pop still said no, knowing he would want something deep fried and messy just as much as she wanted it.

15 minutes later the game was over and the family was heading down to the pitch, the kids more than happy to finally leave. Normally they loved games but at least the games back home were somewhat competitive. Here it was like England was the only one playing while the American team pranced around and made half an effort to keep up with the Englishmen.

"Kiddos!" Marcus said happily as he hasn't seen the family since December. "Enjoying your time in Florida?" He asked, scooping Rosie up as she was running at him.

"It would be better if the game was good." Cody huffed.

Marcus raised his eyebrows at the 7 year old and couldn't help but laugh to himself. "Yeah even I have to admit it was a little boring." He said, making Harry and Alexis laugh, and then Cody too once his papa signed it to him.

"Where's daddy?" Cody asked as he looked around the crowded pitch.

But it was only a second later the 7 year old squealed as he felt someone wrap their arms around him and kiss him all over his face.

"Daddy stop!" Cody shrieked through a laugh as he tried to push his sweaty and smelly father away from him.

Louis smiled to himself as he gave Cody one more sloppy kiss and finally let go of his son. "Like the game guys?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around Cody and looked up to his husband.

"Yeah, it was great." Harry said as he offered the older lad a small smile.

"He's lying." Alexis said through a quiet laugh. "Sorry dad but it was super boring. You guys had the ball the entire time."

"Yeah, I know, it sucked. I think the boys and I were more bored than you were." Louis said as he chuckled to himself and glanced over to Marcus, only to see him nodding. "But now that we're done with footie that means we have the rest of this week and some of next to goof off and have fun." He said before looking down at Cody and tickling him, making the 7 year old burst into laughter.

"Dolphins!" Rosie yelled as she jumped in Marcus' arms excitedly.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at his daughter, not knowing how she knew they were going to see dolphins until he looked over at his husband. "Babe it was supposed to be a surprise!"

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