Chapter 73

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Louis groaned as he rolled over in bed sleepily and blindly reached for his phone on his bedside table. He rubbed his hand over his face before bringing his phone closer so he could read the time, but when he saw it he nearly jumped out of bed.

"Al we're late!!" Louis screamed as he ran out of his room. He couldn't believe it was only the second day and already they were going to be late. "Alexis!" Louis called out as he didn't get a response.

"We're downstairs!" Alexis yelled back.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, knowing the kids would never willingly get up by themselves, but he jogged down the stairs anyway and made his way into the kitchen, only to see Harry eating breakfast with the kids. The younger lad looked up at him for a second before returning to his food and looking over the papers he had in front of him.

"Good, we're not late." Louis breathed out as he walked over to the table. "Good morning monster." He said before kissing Alexis' head. And monster number two, good morning. Louis signed as he smiled to himself and wrapped his arms around Cody, giving him a big kiss on his cheek. "And of course my precious girl." He said happily as he leaned down to Rosie's high chair and gave her a raspberry on her cheek, making the 1 year old let out a loud laugh.

Louis smiled to himself before giving Rosie one more kiss and looking up to his husband. "Harry, morning." He breathed out before walking over to the fridge.

Harry hummed to himself as he kept his eyes on his papers and spooned some more cereal in his mouth.

Louis knew Harry was still mad at him, evident from how he actually didn't come home last night. He wasn't sure if Harry just got home this morning or if he slept in one of the guest rooms, but Louis guessed he didn't come home last night from how he was wearing the same clothes he was yesterday.

"Just get home this morning?" He asked as he took a seat at the table with his own bowl of cereal.

"Yeah." Harry said as he scribbled on one of his papers, refusing to look up.

Louis just nodded and decided to ignore the not so subtle looks Alexis was sending them. Instead he sat their with his family and ate his breakfast until Harry announced it was time they should get going.

Louis had to run upstairs and get changed quickly, not wanting to walk his kids into school with his pajamas on. So as fast as he could he threw an outfit together and had to basically sprint downstairs before Harry threatened to leave without him.

"Daddy your shirt is on backwards." Alexis said through a giggle as she saw her father hop in the car.

"Maybe if your father wasn't rushing me I would've had time to put it on right." Louis muttered as he pulled his shirt off and put it back on correctly before settling himself in the drivers seat and starting the car.

"Maybe if someone set an alarm you wouldn't need to be rushed." Harry muttered back as he rolled his eyes.

Louis let out a quiet breath, not wanting to get into this right now, especially with the kids in the car. So instead he pulled out of the gated driveway and began to make the drive to the school.

The car was quiet except for the small noises Harry or Cody's hands made as they signed to each other. Louis would glanced in the rear view mirror periodically, wanting to keep an eye on the conversation, but he only got parts of it.

When they pulled up to the school everyone hopped out and Harry grabbed the kids' backpacks as Louis unbuckled Rosie from her seat. The family made their way inside, Alexis and Cody leading the way as they walked to their classrooms.

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