Chapter 47

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Harry looked over and saw his husband gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white. He hated this. He hated the silence, hated the way that Louis would look at him with so much hurt and that was if he even bothered to look at him at all.

When Louis pulled up to the familiar home the older lad let out a quiet breath before parking the car and hopping out. Harry followed his actions and the pair made their way up to the path and once they got to the door Louis pushed it open. And it wasn't even a second later when Louis felt a pair of little arms wrap around his legs.

"Daddy you smell!!" Alexis shrieked as she pulled away from her father.

Louis chuckled at her before shrugging. "Sorry love I didn't shower after practice."

Alexis made a disgusted face as she giggled to herself and she was about to tell her daddy about her day before she spotted someone behind him. "Papa?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Papa!!!" Alexis yelled once she realized it really was him.

Harry got down to his daughter's height and she ran into his arms, giving him the tightest hug she could. "Hi sweetheart." He said quietly with a soft smile as he hugged her back.

All Alexis did was hug her papa even tighter and tucked her head into his neck, never wanting him to leave. "Papa how long are you staying?" She asked.

Harry felt his smile drop as he bit his lip and an uncomfortable pressure rise in his chest. "As long as you want me to love." He barely whispered.

Alexis smiled happily to herself before slightly pulling away from her father only to give him a kiss and hug him again. "I want you to stay forever."

Harry let out a quiet breath as he tried blinking quickly, not wanting his tears to fall. "Then I'll stay forever." He said as he pulled his daughter just that much closer to his chest.


Harry perked his head up at the shriek and he saw Louis carrying Cody into the room who was jumping and smiling widely in his arms as he reached for him. "W-when did he learn that?" He asked with even more more tears welling in his eyes.

"Last week." Louis said quietly as he passed his excited son to his father.

Harry carefully placed Alexis down but she still clung to his leg as he took his son from his husband. Cody immediately snuggled into his chest and rested his head on his papa's shoulder as he tried to hug him.

Harry was trying so hard not to break down and cry but he just couldn't. His son just called him papa for the first time and was clinging to him like his life depended on it.

"Papa why are you crying?" Alexis asked worriedly as she saw her father sobbing into his free hand that wasn't holding Cody up.

"B-because I love you both so much." Harry choked out as he kissed his son's head and pulled his daughter closer to his side.

As Louis sadly looked at his family he felt a light hand on his shoulder and he turned to see Anne giving him a tight lined smile.

"I need to talk to him." She said quietly.

Louis bit his lip and nodded at her before walking towards them and picking Alexis up. "C'mon sweetheart nana needs to talk with your father." He said softly.

Alexis let out a quiet breath and reluctantly nodded.

When Louis tried to take Cody away from the younger lad though the 10 month old immediately began to cry and hold on tighter to his papa. He signed 'no' over and over again as he cried into his father's neck and tried to grip his shirt tighter so his daddy couldn't take him away.

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