Chapter 7

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I love you. It wracked in Harry's head as he felt himself freeze and his breath fall short. Louis loved him. Louis just said 'I love you'. No that can't be right. Theres no way this amazing, perfect guy would ever say he loves him. Harry couldn't move, couldn't think as he laid in Louis' arms. He felt his heart nearly pounding out of his chest at just the thought of Louis saying that he loves him, and what made it worse was that the only thing Harry wanted to do was scream it back.

Louis held his breath as Harry fell silent in his arms. He ruined it. He just ruined their relationship, it was official. Harry was probably freaked out and would want to spend some time apart, or even worse just break up. Louis couldn't bare that thought. He doesn't know what he would do if Harry wanted to break up. At the mere thought he felt his throat tighten and eyes begin to water but he shook it away because Harry hadn't even said anything yet. And that only made Louis freak out more as he felt the younger lad stiff in his arms.

"Harry I'm -"

Louis began quietly as he felt like he had to apologize but he was cut off with a strong pair lips crashing onto his. He was shocked at first but then felt relief flood over him as he kissed Harry back and realized that he hadn't messed everything up. He kissed back sweetly as Harry combed his fingers through the back of Louis' feathery hair.

Harry released the kiss and let out a small breath as he backed just an inch away from Louis. "I love you too." He said through a small smile.

At hearing those words Louis felt his heart swell and a wide smile come across his lips. Never before had he felt so happy, so alive. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and pulled him down into a deep kiss.

The two teenage boys were smiling like mad as they kissed. Louis could feel his heart flutter as he couldn't believe it. Harry loved him. He said it and Louis heard it and it was the most perfect thing he had ever heard in his life.

Harry hovered over Louis and felt like his entire body was on fire as he really thought about what Louis had said and that only made the grin on his lips double in size. He laid himself down on Louis' chest and deepened the kiss as he ran his hands up and down Louis' sides. Harry tugged at the shirt, a silent request for Louis to take it off and Louis immediately sat up and allowed the younger boy to pull it off, disconnecting their lips for a split second before crashing them back together.

All Louis could do was try to even his breathing as Harry pushed down on him. He couldn't believe this. First Harry said he loved him back and now he was getting kissed like he only had a few seconds left to live, it was so urgent. But it wasn't only urgent. Louis could feel how much Harry loved him, just by how he was getting kissed, and nothing had ever felt so perfect.


Louis was breathing heavily as he came down from his rush and Harry climbed back up to him and snuggled into the older lad's neck. Louis closed his eyes as he tried to calm his heart rate, needing to relax before he spoke up.

"Y-you didn't have to do that." Louis said shakily, referring to the blowjob he just received.

Harry let out a deep breath against Louis' neck, making the older lad shiver as he felt Harry's breath. "I wanted to." Harry said quietly through a soft smile.

Louis looked down at his boyfriend and a warm grin came across his lips. "I love you." He said, never ignoring the feeling of electricity that shot through him as he said it.

Harry smiled shyly to himself as he took his head off of his boyfriends sweaty chest and looked up at him. "I love you too." He said softly before leaning forward and kissing Louis' lips sweetly.

Louis' heart fluttered as he smiled into the kiss. He thought that he could never get used to hearing that. "And merry Christmas." He said through a chuckle as Harry released the kiss.

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