Chapter 90

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"Do you think they'll be mad?" Louis asked quietly as Harry was fixing his tie.

"Who? The team?" Harry asked with furrowed eyebrows as he ran his hand over Louis' suit jacket, making sure it was straight. And when the older lad nodded and bit his lip Harry couldn't help but let out a quiet breath, thinking his husband would ask something like this today. "Of course they're not love, they understand what happened and the league gave you that time off for a reason."

Harry saw Louis nod again and shift his weight on his feet, clearly over thinking some things. "What else are you nervous about love?" He asked softly.

"The media." Louis muttered as he looked to his shoes.

Harry nibbled at his bottom lip, knowing that as soon as the media see Louis they'll be all over him. "I'll go down there with you love. The boys have the kids now anyway, I'll try to keep everyone with a camera away."

Louis thought about it for a moment, not sure he wanted Harry in the middle of the media either. "I don't want you to get hurt if they start getting aggressive, you know how they can be."

"Louis stop, I'll be fine." Harry said softly as he rubbed the older lad's back. "I've hit more people than you, I think I can handle myself and you."

Louis rolled his eyes playfully, but Harry has hit more people than him so he had him there. "If you want you can walk me down, but go up with the kids during the game. Don't dump the five of them on the boys when they all have their own families to keep track of."

Harry nodded, wanting nothing more than to just help the older lad. So he reached for Louis' hand and tugged his husband out of his office before they started their way downstairs to get to the pitch.

"We'll keep our heads down alright?" Harry said quietly as they were close to the entrance of the pitch, no doubt it'd be covered with paps and cameras.

"Yeah." Louis breathed out, already resting his head on Harry's shoulder, not wanting to be seen by the paps.

Harry looked over at Louis, not really sure if he was actually okay, but it was too late to turn back now. The pair made their way onto the pitch and it was only seconds of being on the grass when they were both blinded by light and barely able to move with the amount of people surrounding them.

Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' waist firmly, wanting to keep him as close as possible and the older lad didn't even hesitate before shielding his face behind Harry's shoulder.

The paps were firing questions at them, most of them being about Joey and how Louis is dealing with it, how he thinks the team will do after not being with them for a month, and then there was one pap asking if Louis had developed a drinking problem.

That one caught Harry's attention, having no clue how someone could've heard about that, but still the pair pushed on through the men with cameras.

Louis tried to ignore all of the questions, especially block out the ones about Joey, not wanting to make a statement or give a comment about it. He just hid behind his husband and wherever Harry tugged him he followed without question, knowing the younger lad was just trying to get them out of there.

And it was only when stadium security came did the paps finally start to move and give the pair some room to move.

"You okay?" Harry asked quietly as he managed to get them out of the crowd and to the side of the pitch.

Louis nodded, still keeping his eyes on the ground as Harry walked them to where the team was warming up.

"Louis, c'mon love, look at me." Harry said softly as he stopped them and gently picked up his husband's chin to make him look up. "It's alright if you're not okay, you don't have to do this today if you're not ready."

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