Chapter 17

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"Louis if you keep squeezing my hand like that it'll fall off." Harry said as he lost feeling in his left arm.

"Sorry." Louis muttered as he refused to take his eyes off the screen.

Sarah chuckled at the pair as she moved the wand around Harry's 5 month old belly. "Alright Louis, are you ready?" She asked, knowing Louis has been waiting a month for this moment.

Louis quickly nodded as he looked at the screen, just seeing his growing baby in black and grey.

Sarah smiled at him before looking back at the screen. She laughed quietly to herself before leaning forward and whispering to Harry, making a wide grin come across the younger lads face.

"What?!" Louis asked with wide eyes. "What is it?!" He asked anxiously.

"Looks like you'll be having a girl." Sarah said through a soft smile.

Louis felt his heart skip a beat as a huge smile came across his face. As soon as he heard Sarah he cupped Harry's cheeks between his hands and kissed him, never wiping the grin off his face. Harry chuckled into the kiss as he saw how excited and happy Louis was.

"Harry we're having a girl, a little baby girl." Louis rushed out as he crushed his boyfriend in a hug.

"I know love, I heard her too." Harry mumbled through a chuckle as Louis released him and began kissing him again.

"Oh my God I love you so much! Harry a little girl!" Louis said like it was the most amazing thing he's ever heard.

Harry chuckled at his boyfriend one more time before pecking his lips one more time. "I know love." He said quietly through his smile.

"We need to go shopping!" Louis gushed out. He was far too excited to get pink out the nursery.

"Let me clean him off and then you can take him." Sarah said as she wiped Harry's stomach. "And I know you'll want a sonogram so I'll just print that out for you." She said, knowing Louis liked to get at least one picture every appointment.

"Thank you." Louis said happily as he took the picture from Sarah. "I need to call my mum!" He said, pulling out his cellphone as he waited for Harry to leave.

"Thanks again Sarah, we'll see you next month." Harry said through a smile as Louis tried to pull him out the door, wanting to get shopping.

Louis pulled Harry out of the office as he had his phone pressed to his ear, wanting his mum to pick up. "Mum!" Louis yelled into the phone as he heard someone pick up.

"Louis?" Jay asked concerned. "What's wrong, what happened?" She asked.

"Mum it's a girl! We're having a little baby girl!!" Louis said excitedly as he and Harry got into the car.

Louis put the phone on speaker so Harry could hear too as he began to pull out of the parking lot.

"What?! Louis that great! Congrats sweetheart!" Jay said happily through the phone. "How's Harry? Is he excited?" She asked.

"Couldn't be happier!" Harry said.

"Oh I'm on speaker." Jay chuckled. "Hi dear, congrats to you too." She said through a smile.

"Thanks." Harry said towards the phone.

"What're you boys up to now then?" Jay asked.

"From the looks of where we are I think Lou is driving to the baby store." Harry said through a quiet laugh.

"Haz we need clothes for her anyway." Louis said as he rolled his eyes. "Wiat! Shit! I can say her now!! Not it, or just the baby, but her!" He said nearly jumping in his seat.

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