Chapter 40

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Louis was lost in the darkness as he was heavily sleeping with Cody on his chest. The past two weeks of practice were really taking a toll on him as everyday he would come home and immediately head for the couch, just exhausted from workouts. But like most naps they were unable to go uninterrupted and it wasn't even a second later he felt a light tap on his cheek.

Louis grumbled to himself and wrapped his arm tighter around his peacefully sleeping son. Of course though the cause of the tapping wasn't going to stop until Louis was awake. He felt another tap, this one harder than the last, and he peeked his eye open to see Alexis looking back at him with a small smile.

"Go away I'm sleeping." Louis mumbled as he shifted a bit on the couch and closed his eyes again.

"Daddy I need your order." Alexis whispered.

"My order for what?" Louis asked as he let out a deep breath and kept his eyes closed.

"For dinner. Papa and I make dinner, I need to know what you want." She said like it was obvious.

"Why don't you guys make pasta or something." Louis said tiredly as all he wanted was sleep.

"No daddy, that too easy." She said annoyed at her father.

"Then make that breaded chicken thing with it, I don't know." Louis huffed as he tried to get back to sleep but it seemed impossible with his daughter hovering over him.

"Papa!! Daddy wants pasta with fried chicken stuff!!!" Alexis screamed.

Louis' eyes shot open as his ears were now ringing at how loud she screamed. At that moment Harry walked into the small living room and saw Louis awake with his eyes wide open.

Harry let out a deep breath as he saw his daughter standing over his husband feeling terrible for Louis as he desperately needed sleep after the past couple weeks he's been put through at practice.

"Al I told you not to wake up your dad." Harry said as he rubbed a hand over his face.

"Oh... Sorry daddy." Alexis said quietly.

Harry rolled his eyes and walked over to Louis and stood above him. "Sorry babe, you want chicken parm for dinner?" He asked quietly.

Louis nodded as he yawned and shifted the still sleeping Cody on his chest to get more comfortable.

"Okay love, I'm sorry again, go back to sleep." Harry said as he leaned down and kissed Louis' forehead sweetly.

Once Harry stood back up he ushered Alexis to the kitchen quickly. "Sweetheart your daddy has been working really hard these past couple weeks at practice, he needs to sleep." Harry explained as he got Alexis her small apron that they got her for Christmas.

"I know papa, I sorry." She said upset with herself.

"It's okay love, just remember he has some really big games coming up so he needs rest."

Alexis nodded as she walked over to the small table near their kitchen and pulled a chair out, pushing it to where her papa was standing at the counter.

Harry chuckled at Alexis as it seemed that she had this routine mesmerized. The past couple weeks, especially with Harry opening his cafe, Alexis has been more than willing to help out in the kitchen as she wanted to do exactly what her papa was doing.

Every chance she got she was by her papa's side and helping him cook or bake, sometimes even just standing on a chair to watch her father do the dishes. She always loved it as her papa made it fun. They sang songs and made silly faces with the dish soap, the entire time both of them wearing wide smiles on their faces.

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