Chapter 64

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"Louis would you get him please? He's going to break something." Harry said nervously as he watched his son curiously look at all of the doctor's tools.

Louis glanced up from his phone and once he saw his son he quickly hopped out of his chair and grabbed the 3 year old before he could knock over a computer that looked like it costs as much as their rent.

"How about we play doctor when he get home and nothing would cost daddy's paycheck to fix hm?" He muttered and signed as Cody sat down on his lap.

"Doc Cody." Cody giggled to himself as he leaned against his father's chest.

Harry rolled his eyes fondly at the toddler before shifting on the uncomfortable paper that was covering the doctor's bed. "Al you wanna come sit with your dad?" He asked as he saw that his daughter was trying to find something to entertain herself with.

Alexis let out a quiet breath and nodded before sitting on her daddy's leg that wasn't occupied with her brother. And a moment later all of their attention was drawn to the door and Sarah stepping into the room with a small smile on her face

"Hello everyone, how are we doing today?" She asked as she took her seat next to Harry and the ultrasound machine.

"We're great." Harry said happily.

"Well I'm more excited then great, but great nonetheless." Louis said through a wide smile.

Harry looked over to the older lad and rolled his eyes as he sounded ridiculous. "I think we're all just ready to find out if we're going to have a boy or girl." He said as he turned back to Sarah.

"Well give me a minute or two and I'll tell you." Sarah said through a quiet chuckle. "Al you wanna come help me?" She asked with raised eyebrows.

Alexis quickly nodded and hopped off her daddy's leg before scurrying over to the doctor. "This is gonna find out if we're gonna have a brother or sister?" She asked quietly as she placed her little hand on the wand that ran over her papa's belly.

"Yeah, and if you move it just over here." Sarah said as she placed her hand over Alexis' and moved it to the right spot.

Both Louis and Harry had eyes locked on the screen, aching to catch a glimpse of anything that would tell them if they were having a boy or girl. This always being Louis' second favorite part when they come to the doctors, but of course his number one favorite thing was getting the sonogram pictures of their little baby growing.

"Alright how come everytime we do this you make me wait like ten years to find out what we're having?" Louis huffed as he grew impatient.

"C'mon Louis you should know by now that I love torturing you." Sarah said teasingly before leaning over to Alexis to whisper in her ear.

"Really?!" Alexis shrieked as she heard the doctor. "Oh my gosh! Yay, that's what I wanted!!" She said excitedly.

At that moment Louis and Harry turned to each other and with knowing smiles said "It's a girl." At the same time.

"Yes!!" Alexis cheered happily.

It only took Louis a second later to connect his lips with Harry's, making an annoyed groan come from Cody as he was stuck between his daddies. "A little baby girl!" Louis gushed before kissing his husband again and then pecking his lips a few more times.

"Another little girl for you to spoil." Harry mumbled against Louis' lips through a quiet chuckle.

Louis pulled away slowly with a soft smile on his face and nodded. "Good, that's just what I needed." He said happily.

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