Chapter 19

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Louis was surrounded by warmth as Harry was pressed against his back, the younger lads nose nestled in his neck and his arm around Louis' waist protectively. They both were engulfed by their bed sheets as they snuggled together, sleeping peacefully.

But that peace could only last for so long as a wailing cry came from baby monitor on Louis' nightstand. Both boys barely opened their eyes and groaned to themselves, not wanting to get up as Alexis hasn't had a full nights sleep since she came home a week ago. It seems like she barely slept at all as every time either Louis or Harry put her down she would cry and only stop when she was in their arms. But even when she was in their arms she wouldn't sleep, just stare up at her daddy's with her soft blue eyes.

As Louis heard her cries he began to sit up to get her, but Harry stopped him, pulling him back down.

"I got her love." Harry said quietly as he sat up himself. "And happy birthday." He said through a soft smile before leaning forward and kissing his boyfriend.

"Thank you." Louis said quietly through a tired smile.

Harry kissed him one more time before swinging his legs over the bed and shuffling down the hall to the nursery. When he opened Alexis' door the cries only got louder and Harry was on the verge of crying himself as thats all he seemed to hear these days.

"Alright love, papas got you." He said quietly as he picked up his wailing newborn.

Harry pulled Alexis into his chest and rocked her gently, trying to calm her cries even the slightest so Louis could sleep. He could smell something awful coming from his daughter and Harry immediately regretted not letting Louis get up. He doesn't know how but Harry always ended up getting stuck with the stinky diapers.

Harry walked them over to the changing table, gently placing her down before grabbing a new diaper and opening the wipes. "Oh sweetheart why do you do this to me?" He mumbled as he opened the diaper.

As carefully as Harry could he cleaned Alexis off, trying his hardest not to get anything on himself like he did the first couple times he changed her. When she had a new diaper on and was smelling better Alexis' cries did die down a bit, but she was still squirming and making uncomfortable whimpers. Harry picked her up again and rocked her gently as he made his way out into the living so he could at least lay down while he held her.

As soon as Harry got to the couch he laid down but as he did so he bent his knees up so he could rest Alexis against his thighs, letting her sit up and look at him. Harry got her comfortable and her cries seemed to stop all together.

"There we go baby girl, all comfy." Harry said once they were both settled.

Alexis just looked at him with a blank expression, the only reason Harry could see it was because of the white lights that came off the Christmas tree as the rest of the room was pitch black. He played with Alexis' little hands and as soon as Alexis felt him she reached for his finger and pulled it into her mouth before sucking it gently. Harry chuckled to himself as he watched his daughter, he didn't think he'd ever get over how cute she was, even when she woke him up in the middle of the night.

"You know love, you were supposed to come today, but I guess you were too eager to meet your dads huh?" Harry said quietly. "You and your daddy were supposed to have the same birthday but I'm happy you came earlier, I don't think I could have waited another week. But today daddy turns 20, can you believe that? I'm dating an old man." He said through a chuckle. "But that's okay because I love him very much and he helped me bring you into the world."

Harry smiled at his newborn daughter and couldn't help but see the twinkle in her eye as the Christmas lights in the room were on. He and Louis had wrapped all the presents they needed to and had them all out under the tree, but they had to pack the presents they got for their families into the car tomorrow so they could go to Jay's house for Christmas dinner. By now everyone they were close to had met Alexis, the only people who were really left to see the newborn was Louis' team. Harry was happy the media hadn't quite found out about her yet because he knew they would be all over them. Since she was born they hadn't really taken her out of the flat, mostly because it had been freezing out and they wanted her to get comfortable at home before getting moved around too much. But tomorrow she'll be surrounded by her aunts and grandparents, and possibly one irish uncle.

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