Chapter 41

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As soon as the plane touched the ground Louis pulled his phone out and called Harry. Despite the protests from the flight attendants he kept the phone pressed to his ear as he got his carry on settled on his shoulder and waited for his team to get off the plane.

Of course as he was talking to Harry his team gave him shit as they heard the younger lad say how much he misses him and the kids even though they've only been apart for not even five hours. The only people who didn't make fun of Louis were some of the older players who themselves had families and were doing the same thing he was.

But as they were teasing him Louis would just roll his eyes and begin to walk away from them as he heard his daughter talk about all of the things she's already done this morning. Which was helping papa cook breakfast, watch cartoons with Cody and color her daddy a picture of him winning his game.

Just at hearing his daughter's voice Louis grew a wide smile across his face. As she was talking he followed his team out to the tour bus they rented and didn't even pay attention to Joey or Marcus as they asked if he wanted to sit with either of them. He was too consumed with the conversation he was having with Alexis to even bother listening to them. But he picked a seat at random and found that Marcus had sat next to him when he reluctantly got off the phone with his daughter and husband. Louis made sure to tell Harry to pass along the message to Cody how much he loves him and is going to miss him when the six month old wakes up from his nap.

"Hows the family?" Marcus asked as he pulled out his earbud and turned to the younger lad, seeing he was finally off the phone.

"Good." Louis said through a soft smile. "It hasn't even been a day and I miss them like crazy."

"It'll get easier mate." Marcus tried to reassure him. "You know, we're in France, try to enjoy yourself instead of moping around."

Louis scoffed. "You don't have kids and a husband back in England though." He said through a quiet chuckle.

Marcus shrugged. "No but I have a fiancé, so I kind of know what you're going through. If you really wanna talk to someone who knows how it feels talk to Austin. He's as much of a mess right now as you are." He said as he laughed to himself.

"True." Louis said quietly as he knows that the older lad has a wife and newborn at home.

"But I do have to say that you're the youngest on the team and have two kids already. The other guys only have one." Marcus pointed out.

Louis rolled his eyes playfully as he looked at his mate. "Thanks, that really helps." He said teasingly.

Marcus put his hands up as he laughed to himself, wanting to pass along the message that he meant no harm. "I'm just saying that you just turned 24 and already have your life together better than anyone else on the team. I mean hell, ¾ of the team are self proclaimed bachelors."

"True." Louis scoffed as basically his entire team have 'bachelor pads' and are seen with a new girl every week. "I dunno, I'm just a guy who knows what he wants." He said through a chuckle.

"Well I mean you forgot to put the rubber on, but other than that yeah, totally." Marcus said teasingly.

"Shut up." Louis muttered through his laugh as he lightly punched his mate in the arm. "I didn't forget, we just didn't have anymore." He said quietly.

Marcus raised his eyebrows and chuckled to himself. "Someone was busy a teen." He teased further.

"I swear you're worse than Zayn." Louis complained through a mumble.

"I'm just playin mate." Marcus said as he pat Louis' thigh. "But I have to give it you... You're the only one on this bus that really has their life together, so be happy. Yeah you won't see them for a little bit, but at least when it's time to come home you have someone to go home to. Most of the guys don't have that." He said softly.

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