Chapter 30

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Louis can't remember the last time he got crushed in so many hugs.

After the football game the pair went back to the flat so Louis could shower before meeting everyone at his mums. But they couldn't even take two steps into the house without getting attacked.

Jay and Anne were the first to run into the foyer and shower their sons in hugs and kisses, quickly followed by Gemma, Dan and Louis' sisters. They didn't even hesitate to join in on the hugs and kisses as they yelled their congratulations to the pair.

Even with everyone trying to hug them at once Harry never lost Louis' eye. They couldn't help but smile at each other the entire time, even with their family members trying to talk them and ask when they'll start wedding planning. But all Louis and Harry saw in the crowded room was each other.

Everything felt surreal. It was as if that finally everything was put into place. And when Harry looked down at his hand and saw the ring on his finger he wondered how he lived so long without it being there. He was just more amazed that he didn't have to say 'Louis my boyfriend' but now he could scream at the top of his lungs with a wide smile on his face 'Louis my fiancé'. And nothing had ever felt more perfect.

The entire night Anne and Jay couldn't stop gushing to each other and already start making plans as Dan sat there just rolling his eyes fondly. The lads had come over with Perrie and Sophia as well and as soon as they all saw the pair they toppled on top of them and if possible gave them even more hugs and kisses than their families.

Sophia, Perrie, Lottie, Fizzy and Gemma couldn't stop their squealing as they talked about what dresses and shoes they could wear and how they could do their makeup and hair. All at the same time Niall, Liam and Zayn were talking about plans for the bachelor party and how they were going to drink into the early hours of the morning.

Alexis wasn't quite sure what was going on but all she knew was that no one was paying attention to her and that didn't sit well with the two-year-old. But she soon calmed down as her daddies began to give her their undivided attention. They were really only talking to each other anyway as every other person in the room was planning their wedding.

"If I heard my mum correctly I believe she planned for November 24th and a nice fall outdoor wedding with heaters to make sure no one gets cold. But we can't forget to only serve warm finger foods during cocktail hour." Harry whispered through a chuckle as he leaned over to Louis.

Louis scoffed. "I think at this point we've been kicked off the wedding planning committee." He joked.

Harry laughed as he bounced Alexis on his lap. "Don't worry, I already have my own plans. I'll show'em to you when we get home." He said as he winked over at his fiancé.

Louis raised his eyebrows before he let out a chuckle and kissed Harry quickly. "Of course you do." He mumbled against his lips.

"Daddy no!" Alexis said as she hit her father's cheek.

Louis was startled and pulled away from Harry as he felt a little hand on his face. "Did you just hit your father?" He asked, trying to be serious but failed as a small laugh escaped him.

Alexis nodded as she looked at her daddy with a mad face. "No kiss papa." She said sternly.

Louis couldn't help the amused smile that made it's way to his face as he looked between his daughter and fiancè. "And why can't I kiss papa?" He asked.

"Papa ony kissin me." Alexis said as she tapped her chubby little finger to her lips.

Harry chuckled at her as Louis looked at his daughter in shock. "That's right babygirl I'm all yours." Harry said before kissing Alexis.

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