Chapter 33

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Louis ran his fingers through his hair and let out a deep breath as he paced on the side of the pitch. He was going to get called out any second to play and he only felt his nerves get worse and worse as time wore on.

This was his first game as a pro player, he had to show everyone what he was really capable of. But at that moment Louis was sure all he was capable of doing was hiding under a rock and never coming out.

He really didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of everyone. Louis wanted to prove himself out there but he knew that if he kept freaking out like this his game would be off. So he did the only thing he could think of and splashed some water on his face before jumping in place and getting his head on straight.

'Just like any other game' he thought to himself.


Louis looked up and saw his coach waving him over. He jogged to him and stretched his arms and legs out quickly, double checking that he was warmed up and ready to go.

"Ready to go kid?" His coach asked through a small smile.

Louis let out one deep breath as he wiped his sweaty palms on his shorts and nodded. He couldn't believe he was about to go up against the guys he used to watch on tv and only dream about playing against someday, but now that he's about to he wished he wasn't. As much as Louis wanted to get a hold of his nerves he just couldn't.

"Alright head out." Coach Gaal said as he clapped Louis on the back, urging him onto the pitch.

As one player came off Louis jogged on and the crowd cheered as they saw the rookie flootie player on the field for the first time.

That had definitely made Louis feel better as he took his position in between Marcus and Joey. They both smiled and nodded at him as the ball was set up. Louis was able to get just one last deep breath out before the whistle went off and he sprung into action.

"Daddy!!!!" Alexis screamed as she saw her father run on the big screen.

Harry could feel his heart pounding out of his chest as Louis ran down the pitch with his team for the first time. He knew the older lad must be freaking out as well as this was his his moment to show everyone what he can do.

"I can't even watch." Harry said as he bit his lip and turned away from the pitch.

"Papa no see daddy!" Alexis whined as her father moved, making her view blocked.

"H c'mon, you know Lou, he'll do great." Gemma said, trying to reassure her baby brother.

"He has the ball!!!" Niall screamed excitedly as he jumped in place.

Harry snapped his head up and saw his husband with the ball. He actually had the ball and he was running down the pitch. Harry couldn't believe it but that didn't stop the the wide smile that came across his face as he started cheering at the top of his lungs.

Louis didn't even realize he was shouting that he was open and for Joey to pass him the ball but when he actually got the ball his eyes went wide. He did not expect that to actually happen but as soon as he got the ball his head was immediately in the game and he took off sprinting with it.

Louis reminded himself that he's done this countless times, that he's been doing this for years but these guys he was up against were much more aggressive than he was used to. He was sure with one wrong move he'd just get elbowed in the face as one of the defenders came up on him, trying to get the ball away from him.

Louis was able to get his back to the guy and shove just enough so he could get away. With quick feet he moved past the one defender and saw another one coming for him.

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