Chapter 22

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Louis watched as Harry stormed out of the car and towards the building, not even looking back. He let out a deep breath and rubbed a hand over his face as he followed his boyfriend with his eyes.

The car ride was silent, the only thing filling the car was Alexis' cries which only seemed to make Harry more mad as he squeezed his fists shut and closed his eyes. Louis himself had to shake his head a couple times, trying to make sure his own tears wouldn't fall as he glanced at his boyfriend.

Louis got Alexis out of the car and grabbed the diaper bag before making his way into the building. When he got inside he figured Harry had already gone up the elevator as he wasn't in the lobby, so Louis made his own way upstairs. When Louis got up to the flat the door was open so Louis walked right in and placed Alexis' carrier and the diaper bag down before toeing off his shoes and pulling off his coat. He looked down and saw that Alexis had fallen asleep, maybe all the crying had worn her out, so Louis bent down and got her out of the carrier before placing her in the bassinet.

He made sure she was comfortable before taking out his phone and texting Jake that he may be late or not even show up to practice as he had to talk with Harry.

"Harry?" Louis asked once the text was sent.

There was no response so Louis moved through the living room and towards their bedroom. He could hear Harry moving around and when he got to their room Louis' breath caught in his throat.

"W-what are you doing?" Louis asked as he felt a new wave of tears come.

Before him Louis saw Harry taking clothes out of his closet and putting them into a bag. Harry seemed to have a few of his own tears shed as he moved around the room, trying to pack some of his things.

"I need a break." Harry said through his few tears.

"What?" Louis asked quietly.

"You heard me." Harry said as he pushed passed Louis and walked into the bathroom.

Louis could barely feel his body as he watched Harry. His heart seemed to have stopped and his breath became shallow as he looked over at Harry's packed bag. 'This couldn't be happening' he thought. "A-are you leaving me?" He asked through more shed tears as he couldn't hold them back anymore.

"No, I'm just going to my mum's for a couple days." Harry said coming back into the bedroom and putting his bathroom stuff in his bag.

"Harry stop w-we can talk about it, please." Louis nearly begged.

"Louis I just need a break!" Harry said, raising his voice.

"Harry I'm sorry if I did something-"

"That's it Lou!! You don't even know what you did! Maybe while I'm gone you'll figure it out! Maybe you'll see how much I do around here!" Harry yelled.

He picked up his bag and began to walk towards the door but Louis stopped him once he got into the living room. Louis pulled Harry's bag out of his hand and put it on the floor behind him before turning back to his boyfriend.

"Please H you can't just leave." Louis barely said but it almost came out as a whisper as he could barely breathe.

"Louis I'm tired! I can't do all of this!" Harry yelled.

Louis ran his fingers through his hair before shaking his head. "Harry just let me help you." He said shakily.

"You can't Louis! Just let me take a break!" Harry screamed, feeling everything that had been bothering him build up and burn through him.

"You want a break?" Louis asked as he narrowed his eyes at Harry. "You're tired?! I'm exhausted Harry!!" Louis screamed back. "I go to work and hear kids cry all day! I work to make sure you two are comfortable and have everything you want! Look around Harry I pay for all of this!!! I come home for five seconds after work only to rush off to practice and then when I get back you're nagging at me to do the dishes and pick up the living room all the while Alexis is crying!! I have my school stuff to get done but how can I do any of it when you're breathing down my neck?!" He yelled through his tears, frustrated himself.

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