Chapter 9

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Two weeks later Harry found himself in Louis' room helping him pack for their camping trip. He had brought over everything he packed for himself and was now just waiting for Louis to finish and for Liam to show up with his truck.

"Babe can you pass me those briefs?" Louis asked, pointing into his laundry basket.

Harry nodded and got Louis' briefs, passing them to him before looking at his duffle bag. "Lou we're only going to be gone for three days. Why are you packing so much?" He asked, noticing his boyfriend's bag was about to burst at the seams.

Louis huffed as he tried to close his bag and once it was fully zipped he let out a deep breath and looked over at Harry. "What if it rains, or something gets dirty? I just want to make sure I have enough of everything." He said quietly with a slight smirk.

Harry looked at his boyfriend with narrowed eyes. "What do you have in there?"

Louis shrugged as he chuckled lightly to himself. "Nothing." He muttered.

"Lou." Harry whined, knowing exactly what was in the bag along with his clothes. "I told you we're not doing anything with the boys near us."

Louis let out a laugh as he dropped his bag near his bedroom door and shuffled over to Harry who was sitting on his bed, and taking a seat next to him. "Babe we can just have our tent away from them, it's no big deal."

Harry looked over at Louis with a not so amused face.

"It'll be fine! C'mon, we'll be in the middle of the woods, nothing to bug us." Louis said, to Harry, prodding his boyfriend.

Harry rolled his eyes, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. He had been dying to get some real alone time with Louis ever since they spent that night together when Louis' mum was away. They haven't really had some time to themselves ever since then and Harry found himself getting a little desperate. "We have to be away from them... Like away, away." He said.

Louis clapped his hands together before crushing Harry in a strong hug and kissing his jaw and neck repeatedly. "I love you, I love you, I love you!!!" Louis said happily.

Harry chuckled to himself and pecked Louis' lips quickly. "You're just happy you're getting some." He said.

"That and the fact that we can actually have some time together, alone." Louis said with a soft smile.  

He found himself smiling like an idiot at just the thought of being with Harry for three whole days. Never before had they been able to spend so much time together consecutively, and Louis was going to make sure that they were going to be days Harry would never forget.

"Knock, knock." Liam said, poking his head into the room. "You boys ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, packed and ready." Louis said as he stood up and grabbed Harry's hand.

"Great." Liam said happily. "The boys are waiting in the truck. Is this your stuff?" Liam asked, pointing to the multiple bags that were on the ground.

"Yeah, thats the tent, our clothes and sleeping bags." Harry said as he picked up his bag with the hand that wasn't occupied with Louis' hand.

Liam helped the two boys carry their things downstairs and just as they were about to head out the door Jay stopped them.

"Wait Louis!" She said, nearly jogging to catch up with her son.

Liam smiled over at Jay before carrying Louis and Harry's bags out the door and to his truck.

"What mum?" Louis asked as he and Harry were pulling their shoes on.

"I just wanted to say goodbye before you left, and I hope you boys have a good time." She said happily.

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