Chapter 58

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WARNING!!! There is mention of past abuse which may cause triggering. And if you do not read it that's fine you can message me on tumblr at lhstylinson9193 and I'll give you a short summary.

Louis picked his head up as he opened his eyes and looked around the dark room. His head was pounding and his throat was dry as he sat up slowly and tried to focus on one object at time. Harry wasn't next to him but he was sure that the younger lad had gotten into bed with him earlier.

He slowly swung his legs over the bed and stood up carefully as every little motion he did only made his head hurt more. Louis squinted his eyes as he shuffled into the hallway and he thought that maybe Harry was in Cody's room. He pushed the door open and popped his head in, looking around the room only to see it dark and empty. But that's not right. Right now Cody should be in bed sleeping and he wasn't there at all.

Louis looked around the room quickly before stepping back into the hallway and rushing to Alexis' room to see if she was there.

He shoved the door open and he felt his heart race as she wasn't in her bed either. The room was empty and dark, and that meant that both of his kids and husband were missing.

But maybe they weren't, maybe they were just sitting in the living room or in the kitchen.

Louis fast walked down the hallway and when he made it to the living room he looked around frantically but it too was empty.

A surge of panic ran through Louis as he looked in the kitchen and he didn't see his family. He felt like he was going crazy, like he was losing control as he had no idea what was going on. His family was gone and they probably left because of him. He scared his daughter and Harry saw how messed up he was and decided to leave. This was his fault, it was all his fault and Louis felt those all too familiar tears return to his eyes as he dropped himself onto the kitchen floor.

"C-can't do better." Louis cried into his hands as he shook his head.

His throat felt it was closing, his eyes were stinging, his head felt dizzy and he couldn't control his breathing as he cried. Maybe he deserved this. Maybe Harry was right to take the kids away from him because he couldn't keep himself together, how was he supposed to take care of two small kids?

"H-Harry..." He muttered into his hands, just wanting his husband to come back. "Harry." Louis said louder as he picked his head up, hoping to see any sign of the younger lad. "Harry!" He yelled through a shaky breath as he looked around frantically. "Harry!!" Louis yelled louder as he gripped the sides of his head and squeezed his eyes shut.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Harry said as he jogged towards the older lad with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair soaking wet. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly as he knelt in front of the older lad and tried to pull his hands away from his face.

Louis cracked his eyes open and saw a pair of bright green one's looking back at him scared. "W-what's wrong with m-me?" He asked through a choked sob as he threw his arms around his husband.

"Nothing." Harry said quietly as he tried to calm the older lad down. "You've just been through a lot today that's it."

"H-Harry I'm going crazy." Louis hiccuped as he willed his tears to stop. He was tired of crying, tired of feeling weak and vulnerable, and tired of feeling like he couldn't breathe.

"You're not going crazy love, you're just scared." Harry said softly as he rubbed Louis' back.

But scared was an understatement. Harry could see that his husband was terrified. He didn't know if he was terrified of his dad, of them leaving him, or just the fact that he didn't know what was going on with himself. Maybe it was a mixture of these things but anyone with eyes could see that the older lad wasn't okay at all.

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