Chapter 29

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"Good morning birthday girl!!!" Louis said excitedly as he bounded into Alexis' room with Harry laughing behind him.

Alexis was already awake and was standing up as she gripped the bars of her crib but as soon as she saw her daddies a wide smile came to her face. She couldn't help but let out a laugh as she saw how silly her daddy was being and when he scooped her up from the crib she only laughed harder.

"How is the sweetest girl in the world this morning hm?" Louis asked as he picked Alexis up, above his head. "My big girl, already 1." He said quietly, not believing it as he kissed her cheek and pulled her into his chest.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." Harry said softly as he walked towards his daughter and boyfriend, to give Alexis a kiss.

"So Al we have a very busy day planned for you." Louis began as he took Alexis over to the changing table. "We're gonna have some breakfast, go for our routine walk in the park, relax for a little bit, maybe exercise our legs and try to get you walkin around, have some lunch, take a nap and then we're heading over to grandma Jay's and all your uncles and aunties are gonna help us celebrate your big day. How does that sound?" He asked as he pulled off her pajamas and began to change her diaper. "Great, I knew you would like that idea!" Louis said through a chuckle as his daughter was just giving him a blank expression.

"You're ridiculous." Harry said through a chuckle as he wrapped his arms around Louis and rested his chin on his shoulder.

Louis just laughed to himself as he turned his head to look at his boyfriend and kiss him quickly. "I know." He said through a smile.

Harry rolled his eyes fondly before kissing Louis one more and letting go of him so he could pick out Alexis' outfit for the day. "What're we thinkin today gang, pink or purple?" He asked as he looked through the dresser.

"Definitely a purple day." Louis said as he finished changing Alexis' diaper.

Harry nodded and pulled out a pair of white leggings and a little purple dress. He decided to go with one of the dresses that wasn't as frilly as some of the others that they had. This one being simple, but cute. "Here Lou." He said passing the outfit to his boyfriend.

"Thanks." Louis said quietly. He made quick work of putting the dress on Alexis, knowing that getting dressed was one of her least favorite things to do. "What shall we have for breakfast babygirl? Are we feelin bananas? Maybe some pears or apples?" He asked once she was dressed.

About two months ago Harry was determined to get Alexis to start eating some pureed food and to both his and Louis' surprise Alexis loved the stuff. Everything they fed her she ate it all up. And now that she's one Harry had planned to take her off of formula and start giving her regular milk, all of these things were just constant reminders to Louis that Alexis wasn't a baby anymore. Slowly but surely she was growing up. Hell they already started giving her sippy cups a couple weeks ago, that was a definite sign of growing up in Louis' book.

"Wanna try giving her regular milk with her breakfast?" Harry asked as they made their way out of the nursery.

"Sure." Louis said as he got Alexis buckled into her high chair.

"Alright well I'm gonna start breakfast for us. Wanna grab her some bananas and then after she's done eating we'll see if she wants milk?" Harry asked as he took some already made pancake batter out of the fridge.

"No problem babe." Louis said once he got Alexis situated.

Louis walked into the kitchen and opened the cupboard, pulling out a the little jar of pureed bananas before getting one of Alexis' brand new sippy cups. "Babe wanna pour some of that in here?" He asked as he saw that Harry already had the milk out to retouch the pancake batter.

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