Chapter 52

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"And here he is, Louis Tomlinson!"

Louis let out a deep breath and straightened his suit jacket one more time before he began walking towards the set. He waved at the camera and the crowd with a fake smile plastered on his lips as he walked towards the interviewer, Jon. Louis shook the older man's hand before taking his seat on the cushioned couch and mentally preparing himself for the questions he was about to face.

"Well, well, well, Louis Tomlinson. You've been the talk of England for quite some time now." Jon said through an amused smile.

Louis hummed and nodded his head as he pressed his lips together. He knew he had to choose his words carefully. One wrong move and he would probably set out a whole new wave of rumors about himself.

"So I'm sure there are a few things you want to straighten out for everyone." Jon said as he got comfortable in his seat. "England seems to think that you left your husband and then not even a week later we see you with another man in Italy."

Louis cleared his throat and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants before somewhat nodding. "Yeah people have made it pretty clear that they think I cheated on Harry..." He said quietly.

"And?" Jon asked with raised eyebrows. "Did you? I mean from these pictures it seems like you and this guy are very close." He said as pictures of Jake and Louis walking out of the restaurant with their arms wrapped around each other's waist came onto the screen behind them.

"No, I did not cheat on him." Louis said a bit annoyed, already he could feel himself getting worked up. "I went out to dinner with an old mate and he had too much to drink, that's it."

"Yeah but the month before we didn't see Harry at all. Normally he's attached to your hip and then one day it's like he was just gone." Jon said as if he didn't believe the younger lad. "And when we did see you you looked miserable."

"Hm maybe because my husband started a new business and I barely got to see him. That tends to piss people off, especially when you have paps following you everywhere you go."  Louis said with raised eyebrows.

He glanced off to the side of the set quickly and could see Harry telling him to calm down, and all Louis could do was nod and let out a deep breath. He knew that right now he wasn't doing such a good job at trying to tell everyone what actually happened, but this has been going on for over a month and he was just sick of it.

"Alright easy, I'm not trying to make you mad here." Jon said through a quiet chuckle.

Louis hummed and nodded with his eyebrows raised because it seemed like that's exactly what the older man wanted to do. "You know after I've been called a cheater, liar, and whatever else the public and media named me believe it or not I got a little mad."

"What I'm trying to figure out though is what actually happened." Jon said quietly. "I'll just ask this. Did you cheat on Harry?" He asked genuinely curious.

"No." Louis said lowly as he narrowed his eyes at the older man.

"Are you two separated?" Jon asked, trying to get somewhere with the footie player.

"No." Louis said as he combed his fingers through his hair. "I mean clearly we're not, we just got back from Italy together." He said through a sarcastic laugh.

"We all thought he did that for the kids to see you-"

"Seriously?" Louis asked as he interrupted Jon. "I can't even tell you how many pictures were posted of us. Our anniversary, days at the beach, nights out with each other, and people still think that Harry flew all the way out to Italy because of the kids? Yeah of course they missed me and I missed them but-"

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