Chapter 56

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Zayn was bouncing excitedly as the elevator took him up to his best mates' loft. One hand had Zaria's baby carrier while the other held a special gift for his favorite nephew.

When the doors opened he didn't even waste a second before rushing into the quiet loft and looking around. "Hello?" Zayn called out.

He heard some rustling and a loud groan before he looked into the living room and saw Louis frantically pulling his shorts up. Zayn chuckled to himself as he walked towards his best mate and raised his eyes, seeing a half naked Harry on the floor.

"What happened here?" He asked amused.

"We were um- uh nothing." Louis stammered out as he helped Harry stand up after he accidentally shoved him off him and onto the floor.

"Sure." Zayn said through a chuckle as he walked over to the recliner and sat down before taking his daughter out of her carrier and pulling her into his chest.

"Not be rude or anything but what are you doing here?" Harry asked as he pulled his shorts over his boxers.

"I have a present for Cody." Zayn said happily. "I thought that since he's a bit older now we can start our drum lessons."

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at his best mate before pulling his shirt over his head and taking a seat on the couch with his husband. "Mate he's 1."

"Almost 2." Zayn pointed out. "And besides the kids a genius, I know he can figure it out. He's already got natural rhythm so I'm not worried about it." He said as he shrugged to himself and rocked Zaria in his arms.

"Right..." Harry said quietly as he hoped that Zayn randomly showed up for a better reason. He just had to come and interrupt him and Louis, and what made it worse was that Cody was napping so Zayn couldn't even see him.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work H?" Zayn asked with raised eyebrows as he saw that the younger lad wasn't so happy that he barged in.

"Yeah but Al has two friends coming over a little later and I knew Louis couldn't handle three kids and a toddler." Harry said as he chuckled over at his husband.

Louis nodded and hummed to himself because he himself knew it would be disastrous if it was just him watching the kids. Harry would come home to a trashed loft, three kids running around and destroying anything probably while Cody was shrieking and trying to copy what the older kids were doing. But then he'd just be sitting on the couch letting it all happen.

"So while you're waiting for two 5 year olds to show up you're shagging on the couch? Really guys?"  Zayn asked as he looked between the pair with an amused grin.

Louis rolled his eyes because of course not, they were obviously going to move it to the bedroom but he wasn't going to tell Zayn that. "They aren't coming for another half hour." He breathed out as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Zayn was about to ask another question before he saw Harry get up and not even ask to hold Zaria before taking her from him and then walking back over to the couch to sit down with her. "Sure Harry you can take her, it's fine." He said teasingly as he waved his hand.

"Sorry." Harry muttered as he smiled down at his niece, even though he wasn't sorry at all.

Everytime he saw Zaria he couldn't help but scoop the newborn up and snuggle her into his chest. She was so tiny and cute Harry felt like he had to hold her and hug her and kiss her every time he saw his niece.

"Mate where's Perrie?" Louis asked with furrowed eyebrows as he realized that this is the first time he hasn't seen Zayn's girlfriend with him since Zaria was born.

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