Chapter 43

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"Louis c'mon..." Harry breathed out. "The kids will be up in an hour." He barely whispered as he felt his husband nip at his neck and add to the markings that were created over the past couple hours.

"Just making up for lost time." Louis smirked against his skin as he worked his lips up the younger lad's neck and jaw before finally connecting their lips sweetly.

Harry chuckled to himself as he combed his fingers through the back of Louis' sweaty hair. "We've been at it for hours." He said once they released the kiss. "We're gonna be terribly exhausted all day."

"Good thing we have nothing planned all day." Louis said through a soft smile before kissing his husband one more time and settling himself on the younger lad's chest.

"No but we do have a rowdy four year old and a newborn that loves to screech every chance he gets." Harry said as he chuckled to himself and rubbed his hand up and down Louis' bare back.

Louis smiled to himself as he nuzzled his head into Harry's neck, still not believing that he was back home with his family. "Then you rest and I'll watch them when they wake up. I need to catch up with the two other other Tomlinsons as well." He said through his grin before kissing Harry's neck sweetly.

"Babe the sun is already up and we haven't gotten any sleep. You were traveling yesterday and then last night-"

"Was amazing." Louis cut him off with a small smirk.

If possible Harry pulled his husband closer to to his chest and smiled to himself as he kissed the top of his head. "Was amazing." He whispered through a soft grin, beyond happy to have Louis back in his arms. "But we're gonna be so tired." Harry groaned, dreading the day they were about to have.

"Then go to sleep love." Louis said through a small smile as he picked his head off of Harry's chest and kissed him sweetly. "I'll get up when the kids do."

"God I missed you so much." Harry barely whispered as he pulled Louis closer to his chest and nuzzled his nose into the top of his hair.

Louis let out a small breath as he ran his finger along Harry's chest. "I missed you too Hazza." He said quietly.

Harry grinned to himself because he could feel his husband's breath on his chest. He could wrap his arms around the older and shudder under his gentle touches. It's everything Harry's been craving for the past three weeks and now that he can have it, it all felt surreal.


"Hazza!" Louis yelled from the kitchen.

"What?" Harry grumbled sleepily from his place on the couch.

"Do you want me to start packing some stuff that's in here?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows as he saw that the rest of the flat was already packed but the kitchen didn't look touched.

Harry rolled over on the couch and tried to drown out the sounds of some disney princess singing on the tv. "No I was going to in a couple days when we actually move." He said tiredly.

"Oh okay." Louis said to himself. "Hey Al wanna help me make dinner?" He asked, grabbing his daughter's attention away from the tv.

Alexis very slowly turned around and caught her daddy's eye before furrowing her eyebrows. "I don't think that's a good idea daddy." She said wearily.

"And why not?" Louis asked confused as he knew that Alexis had grown to like being in the kitchen.

Alexis let out a deep breath and looked to the ground before shaking her head. "Oh daddy..." She said quietly like her father had clearly missed something. "Poop look more nice than your food." She said as it was seemingly obvious.

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