Chapter 79

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"Where is he?" Alexis asked as she looked around the crowded room, in search of her uncle.

Louis bit his lip as he too was scanning around the room, desperately wanting to congratulate his best mate.

"Z! Z! There!!" Rosie squealed happily as she jumped in her papa's arms and pointed to her uncle.

They all snapped their heads up except for Cody who was more invested in looking at the art on the walls but when he felt his daddy tug on his arm he looked up as well.

"Zayn!" Louis said through a wide smile, trying to get the younger lad's attention.

Zayn glanced from who he was talking to and grinned to himself as he saw the Tomlinsons. He excused himself politely before nearly jogging over to his best mates and engulfing Louis in a hug.

"Whoa, easy big guy." Louis said through a chuckle as he hugged Zayn back.

"Louis all of this was possible because of you, I can't thank you enough." Zayn breathed out, still unable to grasp the fact that this art gallery was his, that he put this together all with the help of his best mate.

"Mate if you thank me one more time I'm going to hit you." Louis said as he released his best mate, more than tired of hearing him say thank you over the past couple months.

"Uncle Zayn we're so happy for you!" Alexis said as she reached for her uncle next, wanting a hug.

Zayn smiled to himself as he bent down and hugged his niece. "Thank you love." He said before kissing her.

"You have an amazing turn out mate, it's incredible." Harry said as he looked around the packed art gallery.

"Yeah, even got the paps outside." Zayn said through quiet chuckle. "I hope everyone likes everything." He said as he bit his lip nervously.

Louis laughed to himself as he rubbed Zayn's back, knowing he was just worried that tonight wouldn't go well. "Mate relax, everything looks more than amazing, you have nothing to be freaking out about."

Zayn nodded but he still didn't feel convinced. "Your football buddies are here Lou, you might want to find them."

"Oh cool." Louis said, happy that Marcus and Joey were able to make it. "Alright we should probably let you get back to be being the boss and we'll just be walking around." He said as he clapped his best mate on the back

Zayn let out a deep breath before nodding and offering the older lad a small smile. He made sure to hug Harry, Rosie and Cody and give his niece and nephew sloppy kisses before he went back to entertaining.

"Daddy is this uncle Zayn's?" Cody asked as he tugged on his father's dress shirt and looked at the paintings on the walls.

Yeah they're all his. Cool, aren't they? Louis asked as he too looked at one of his best mate's paintings, still not over the amount of talent the younger lad had.

Cody nodded as he looked at the paintings in awe. He's seen his uncle draw before and color but this was something else. "Can I walk around? I want to see all of them."

No we'll walk around together. Louis signed, not wanting Cody to stray away from them, and freak Harry out. That and he was also 6.

Just as they were about to start walking around Louis felt someone wrap their arms around him and knowing Harry was holding Rosie it wasn't him.

"Geez Lou, calm down." Joey said as he ruffled his best mate's hair and let him go after he had a minor freak out.

"I thought you were like a crazed fan or something. I was ready to kick your arse." Louis said as he ran his fingers through his hair, trying to fix it.

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