Chapter 8

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4 Months Later


Louis felt a small hand hit his face and he fluttered his eyes open to see the twins giving him toothed grins. "What?" He grumbled, turning so his face was hidden in the pillow.

"Boo, boo, boo!!" Daisy said as she gripped Louis' bed and bounced on her chubby legs.

Louis looked down at his smiling sisters and grinned slightly to himself before he bent over the bed and scooped up the toddlers, and dropping them on his chest. "Good morning loves." He said quietly, still waking up a bit.

"'Arreh." Phoebe said as she bounced on Louis' chest.

"What about Harry sweetheart?" Louis asked.

"'Arreh's here." Phoebe said.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Harry's here?" He asked.

"He is." Harry said with a smile on his face as he walked into Louis' room to see him laying shirtless on the bed with his sisters sitting on him.

Louis grinned to himself as he heard his boyfriend and turned to see the curly haired lad.

"Hey babe, what are you doing here?" He asked as Harry walked over to him and kissed his lips, making the twins scamper off Louis.

Harry sat on the bed beside Louis and as he sat up the twins climbed into Harry's lap. He wrapped his arms around the toddlers as they got comfortable on him, and Harry couldn't ignore the fond smile Louis was sending him. "My mum is running errands all day and my sister got picked up a little while ago, and I got lonely at home so I'm here to bug you." Harry said.

Louis chuckled to himself, because Harry was just the cutest thing. "I think we can do something that'll make you a little less bored." He said with a slight smirk.

Harry laughed quietly before leaning forward slightly and connecting his lips with Louis'. He only released the kiss when he felt little hands hit his chest. Harry smiled down at the two toddlers in his lap before kissing both of their heads quickly and placing them on the floor and letting them run off. "Oh yeah?" Harry asked teasingly.

Louis gave a single nod before bringing his hand to the back of Harry's head and pulling him in for a kiss.

"Morning breath." Harry chuckled against Louis' lips as he laid him down on the bed and hovered over him.

"You love it." Louis mumbled back as they kissed.

Harry broke the kiss as he laughed and shook his head, looking down at Louis. "I really don't, but I love you, so I guess that counts for something." He said through his chuckle before leaning back in and continuing to kiss his boyfriend.

Louis smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, pulling him in impossibly closer.

"Lou- Oh my gosh, I'm sorry boys!"

The two boys broke apart as Jay stood there in the doorway, unable to say anything. Harry turned a bright red color as he got off Louis and Louis looked around frantically for a shirt.

"I'm sorry, it's just that the boys are downstairs." Jay said quickly before backing out of her sons room.

The two boys watched as Jay left and Louis grumbled to himself because his mum was seriously the worst. "Why are they here?" Louis complained as he swung his legs over the bed and pulled on jogging pants and a tank top.

A second later two boys bounded into the room, chattering away. Louis glared at them as they took seats in his room and then looked to him expectantly.

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