Chapter 63

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Louis smiled to himself as he looked at the screen of his phone, trying to get just the right angle for the picture. "Alright Al I need you to hold the sign right above your tummy and smile wide." He said, wanting this to be perfect.

Alexis nodded and looked to her brother to make sure he was doing the same thing before looking back at her daddy and smiling widely at the camera.

"Lookin good guys." Louis said as he took a couple shots. "H maybe bring your sign closer to your stomach and point at it." He suggested.

Harry rolled his eyes fondly as Louis was acting as if he was a professional photographer. "C'mon Lou, we can't hold this pose forever." He said teasingly.

Louis laughed quietly to himself before taking another five pictures and looked through them, thinking that he could deem one of them good enough to use. "Okay, you guys are good, thank you." He said as he scrolled through his pictures and through process and elimination picked the perfect one to post. "Shit you guys are so cute." Louis said through a soft smile as Harry walked up to see the picture.

Harry couldn't help but grin to himself as well as he saw the picture. He, Alexis and Cody were holding up chalkboards, but on Alexis' it said #1 and on Cody's it said #2. What Harry absolutely loved about it though was that he was holding a chalkboard that had a #3 on it as he pointed to his stomach with a wide smile gracing his lips.

The pair had told their family and friends about them expecting right after they went to the doctors office, there finding out that Harry was a month along. Apparently getting drunk on Thanksgiving and stop trying for a baby all together got them a baby, and neither Louis or Harry could be happier. Their family and friends if possible were just as happy and excited as the pair. They all know how hard it's been for them, but now for them to be expecting as well as Gemma and Niall there was a reason for a lot of celebrating. But now it was time to tell the public and the best way to do that was through social media.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Looks like our little family is getting that much bigger !

Louis showed it to Harry and made sure the picture was attached before letting out a deep breath and posting it.

There was no denying that he and Harry were more than happy. They were happy beyond belief and anyone who had seen them in the last month knew it too. The pair couldn't believe that after nearly after a year and a half after talking about having a baby they were finally expecting. It all seemed too good to be true but of course Harry knew it was really happening as he woke up in the morning and felt the need to throw up, but it was all more than worth it.

"You're so cute." Harry muttered under his breath before pecking his husband's cheek. This had all been Louis' idea after all and he had to say that for the older lad it was quite creative.

"Yeah, yeah I'm adorable, whatever." Louis huffed as he rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back in his pocket. "Can you believe it though?" He asked through a soft smile. "Just 8 more months and we'll have another little Tomlinson."

"I know." Harry said through his own grin as he kissed his husband sweetly. "I can't believe this is actually happening."

"I knew it would." Louis said happily before wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and pulling him in for one more kiss.

Harry hummed to himself and smiled against the older lad before slowly pulling away for him. "Yes love, you're very smart." He said teasingly.

"So mean to me." Louis said through a small smile. "Don't forget who gave you the bump. I think I deserve better than to be treated like this." He said jokingly.

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