Chapter 51

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"I'm going to kill Niall." Harry grumbled as he stepped off the elevator and stomped into the living room.

Louis looked up from where he was helping Alexis with a practice school book and furrowed his eyebrows at the younger lad. "What happened?"

Harry threw his satchel that contained all the paperwork he has to go over on the dining room table and let out an annoyed huff. "He hired maybe one of the stupidest people I've ever met as a manager."

Louis raised his eyebrows at that because Harry would never say that about someone unless they really were dumb. "Did they do something?" He asked.

Harry scoffed as he walked around the breakfast bar and towards the fridge. "What didn't that idiot do is a better question." He muttered as he pulled a beer out from the fridge. "He misplaced half of my papers, over ordered produce which is gonna go bad in three days so he wasted a shit ton of money, and everything is just so disorganized I can't even-"

"Okay, alright, H calm down a bit yeah?" Louis said as he saw his husband pacing around the kitchen.

Harry ran a frustrated hand over his face and nodded before he unscrewed the top of the beer bottle a took a big swig of it. "I'm sorry I'm just so stressed right now I can't even see straight."

"Daddy I'm done." Alexis said as she shoved her work book over to her father.

Louis let out a quiet breath and nodded as he took the book from his daughter. "Alright sweetheart I'll look it over and call you in here if you need to fix anything. Why don't you go play for a little bit?" He suggested.

Alexis nodded happily and hopped down from her stool before scurrying off to her room. Louis watched as she left the kitchen and once she was far enough away where she couldn't hear them he turned back to his husband.

"Please tell me you fired the guy." He said.

"Right after I saw him nearly break the display case yeah." Harry huffed before taking another sip of his beer.

"Good." Louis breathed out. "Do you know why Niall hired him in the first place? Or even why he kept him around?"

"Ni said that he used to work with him and he wasn't as bad as he seemed but I seriously couldn't stand watching the guy break everything in sight." Harry said as he shook his head. "I have to put up another ad to find a new manager now and-"

"Alright babe really, I need you to breathe." Louis said through a chuckle. "I'll put the ad up, you just do whatever paperwork you have to do."

"Really?" Harry asked like a huge load was just taken off his shoulders.

"Of course love." Louis said through a soft smile.

He was willing to do anything just to get Harry to relax a little bit. Ever since they got back late last night he's been beyond stressed and if the cafe wasn't enough to push him over the edge there were paps that were tracking their every move. They only got back last night and already they've been bombarded at the airport, in front of their building, and they were even at the cafe.

"You're amazing." Harry breathed out as he walked over to the older lad and kissed him gently. "Wanna go over work schedules, paychecks, taxes, and inventory orders for me too?" He asked through a quiet chuckle as he pulled away.

Louis shook his head and laughed to himself as he rested his hands on his husband's hips. "You went to uni to do that kind of stuff love, not me."

"Right." Harry hummed through a small smile. "Then I guess you can check over Al's work and see if she spelt 'cat' right, since that's what you went to uni for." He said teasingly before pecking his husband's lips and walking over to his bag.

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