Chapter 74

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3 Months Later (April)

"Daddy I need help!!" Cody said frustratedly.

Louis looked in the rear view mirror and let out a small huff as he saw that his son's bowtie was undone again. "Haz, can you?" He asked before looking back to the road.

Harry chuckled to himself as he twisted in his seat and reached for the 5 year old. He knew he shouldn't have let Louis tie Cody's bowtie but the older lad insisted he could do it. Once Cody's bowtie was on properly and he inspected the rest of his suit he was happy with it.

You look great big guy. Really dapper. Harry signed as he offered his son a small smile.

Cody grinned happily to himself as he straightened out his suit vest. "Thank you papa." He said proudly, loving his outfit.

"All the Tomlinsons are looking very dapper tonight." Louis said through a quiet laugh. "But my girls... I'll have to keep an eye on them so no boys try to steal my princesses from me." He said as he looked behind him really quickly and winked at Alexis.

"Don't worry daddy I won't go with any boys. They'll probably be gross and I already have three boys so it's okay." Alexis said through a small shrug.

"And who are your boys?" Louis asked with narrowed eyes.

"You, papa and Cody obviously." Alexis said as she rolled her eyes, thinking her father knew this by now.

Louis hummed happily to himself as that was the correct answer. If she said anyone else there definitely would have been a hunt for these boys.

Once they arrived to the venue Harry let out a deep breath as he looked around and saw all of the people that were there. He already felt nervous but now seeing how many people that were attending only made it worse.

"It's okay love, you'll be great." Louis said through a soft smile as he leaned over the console and kissed his husband sweetly.

Harry nodded to himself and let out one more quiet breath before hopping out of the car and straightening his suit. He saw Louis getting Alexis and Cody out of the car so he got Rosie and made sure her dress and hair was in order before following his husband towards the entrance.

The building was crowded, more crowded than he initially thought it would be, but this only made his nerves get worse.

The family walked through the mass of people, trying to find their table and the idiots they like to call friends. And when they found them of course they were the loudest and most chaotic group of people there.

"Hey there they are!!" Niall said through a wide smile before rushing over to Harry and crushing him in a hug.

Harry was surprised by Niall's energy as his best mate crushed him. This would be Niall normally but considering he and Gemma just had their second boy, Beck, a week ago he figured that the irish lad would be exhausted.

"You're in a good mood." Harry chuckled as he released the older lad.

"Of course I am!!" Niall said, unable to wipe the smile off his face. "We won an award H!! This is huge!!" He said excitedly.

Harry grinned sheepishly to himself as he shrugged and shifted Rosie on his hip. Even he still didn't believe that they had won the restaurant small business award and that they'd be presented it with the other winners of small business awards tonight. But of course he was reminded of why they were here tonight as all of their mates hugged him and congratulated him before Louis told them all to back off and give him some room.

"You okay love?" Louis asked as he rubbed the younger lad's back.

Harry nodded as he let out  a quiet breath. He didn't know why he was so nervous, he was just stepping up to accept an award, that's it. But still he couldn't fight the nerves bubbling inside him.

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