Chapter 44

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"Look what came in today!!" Niall said through a wide smile as he carried a box into the loft.

Harry looked up from where he was going over some paperwork at the breakfast bar and to his best mate. "What'd ya get?" He asked.

"The coffee and tea samples were dropped off at the cafe and I stopped over there to pick them up." Niall said happily as he placed the box on the counter.

"No way?!" Harry asked excitedly before standing up from his seat and going over to open the box.

"Yeah I thought you'd want to try them out and pick out which ones you wanted to put on the menu." Niall said as he pulled out boxes of ground coffee and tea that they had to taste.

Harry smiled to himself as he thought about getting one step closer to finishing the final touches of the menu. "We'll have to get the official taste tester for this stuff though." He said through a chuckle. "Hey Lou!!" He yelled.

Niall scoffed. "If Lou's tasting this stuff we'll definitely be able to pick out what's best." He said knowing Louis had an incredible taste for quality teas.

"What's up babe? Oh hey Niall." Louis said through a small smile as he bounced Cody on his chest.

"The samples for the teas and coffees came so we wanted to make them and see which ones to put on the menu. And you have been chosen to be the official taste tester." Harry said as he placed the kettle on the stove.

Louis' eyes immediately widened with excitement at the thought of just drinking tea all day.  "I will gladly accept this position then." He said through a chuckle as he put Cody in his high chair. "But I'm not drinking the coffee, you boys can do that."

"We're trying everything." Niall said through a chuckle. "Gotta know what everything tastes like on our menu." He said like it was obvious.

"You haven't made the menu yet, have you?" Louis asked as he took a seat at the breakfast bar.

"What do you think we've been doing the past week at the cafe?" Harry asked through a small laugh as he placed a cup of tea in front of the older lad. "We just finished it the other day." He said happily.

"Why didn't you let me try anything?!" Louis asked as he let the tea cool. "I would've happily been the taste tester for that!!"

"H wanted to surprise you when we open. He wanted you to be blown out of the water with everything." Niall said teasingly as he looked at his curly haired mate.

"Well do you have like a sample menu I can at least look over?" Louis asked excitedly at the thought that cafe was getting closer and closer to it's opening.

Harry smiled to himself as he saw his husband nearly jumping in his seat. "Yeah, lemme get it. Can you try the tea please?" He asked as he walked towards the living room.

Louis hummed to himself as he picked up his cup of tea and took a sip. He could taste that it was earl grey and that was his favorite kind but he's definitely had better before. "Not my favorite." He said as he passed the cup for Niall to try.


Louis turned around as he heard his son from his chair and raised his eyebrows at at him. Need something big guy? He asked.

Drink. Cody signed as he realized that he had his daddy's attention.

"Hey Ni can you-"

"Already on it mate." Niall said as he reached for one of Cody's bottles. "He want formula or that baby juice stuff?"

"Uh he'll probably want juice since he had formula this morning." Louis said as he glanced at Cody who kept signing 'drink' over and over again. It's coming buddy, give your uncle two seconds. He signed through a chuckle.

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