Chapter 55

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Louis shifted his workout bag on his shoulder as he stepped off the elevator and into the loft. He let out a quiet breath as he kicked off his cleats and shuffled towards his bedroom, just wanting to shower and sleep.

"Oh good there you are." Harry said as he got off the bed and put his phone down. "I need to talk to you." He said quietly.

"Can it wait til after my shower?" Louis asked as he threw his workout bag on the bed and began pulling off his footie gear.

"Um no, it's kind of important." Harry said as he bit his lip.

Louis looked up at his husband as he pulled his shirt off and saw that he was being completely serious, only making him grow worried. "... You're not pregnant are you?" He asked so quietly it barely came out as a whisper.

"What? No." Harry said as he shook his head and walked towards the older lad. "Al's teacher called."

Louis let out a quiet breath and nodded as he continued to pull off his shorts. "Okay, and?" He asked, wondering if this was really important.

Harry bit the inside of his cheek as he knew that Louis was going to be mad when he heard this, but he had to tell him. "Apparently there's this kid that's been bugging her a little bit." He said quietly.

Louis snapped his head up as he heard that and walked towards the younger lad, shaking his head. "What?" He asked a little angered. "Bugging her how? Is this name calling, pushing, teasing, what is it?" He asked, growing more and more mad at the fact that someone would be mean to his little girl.

Harry stuttered a bit as he scratched the back of his head, unsure of what to say because whatever he did say Louis would get upset.

"Where is she?" Louis asked as he already started walking towards the bedroom door. "Al? Sweetheart?" He called as he walked down the hallway.

"In here daddy!" Alexis screamed back from her room.

Louis made his way to his daughter's bedroom and pushed her door open to see her playing with Cody on the floor.

"Daddy why aren't you wearing pants?" Alexis asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Sweetheart has someone been bothering you at school?" Louis asked, completely ignoring her question.

Alexis sat there silent for a second before looking down at her hands and shaking her head. "No." She said quietly.

Louis let out a small breath as he walked towards her and saw that she was lying. "Love you can tell me anything." He said softly as he knelt down in front of her.

"It's okay Al, you can tell us." Harry added in quietly as he was leaning against her bedroom door frame.

Alexis stayed silent as her little brother was playing with her dolls next to her, paying no mind to the serious conversation going on in the room. She shrugged and refused to meet her daddy's eyes as he was looking at her worriedly.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Louis asked as he saw that Alexis wasn't going to explain everything.

Alexis let out a quiet breath as she looked to her fingers. "Boy." She muttered quietly.

Louis felt his jaw clench at the thought of someone actually being mean to his little girl. She was the sweetest and nicest kid in the world, no one had any reason to make her feel the way they were. "And what is he doing to you?" He asked, trying his hardest not to sound mad or angry.

"Daddy it's okay." Alexis said quietly as she kept her eyes trained on the floor.

"It's not okay if he's being mean to my little girl." Louis said with a touch of anger in his voice as he shook his head.

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