Chapter 88

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Louis shook his head as he pulled away from his husband and felt his throat tighten. "What do you mean he was in an accident?" He barely whispered.

Harry hiccuped to himself and tried to open his mouth to explain but a choked sob was the only thing that came out of him.

"Harry what do you mean he was in an accident?!" Louis nearly yelled as he felt his own tears swell in his eyes.

"L-Louis I-I tried to call y-you." Harry said as he shook his head and hid his face in his hands.

And at that Louis felt tears fall onto his cheeks. "Where is he?" He asked, just barely loud enough for the younger lad to hear. "I need to- I need to go, I-I need to see him." Louis said as he tried to push past the heavy and heaving feeling in his chest and focus on gathering his things to leave.

"Louis he-"

"Harry I need to see him!!" Louis yelled as more tears ran down his cheeks and he rushed past his husband, needing to get to his car.

Harry didn't even acknowledge the looks everyone in the room was giving them before hurrying after Louis and following him to the parking lot. He ran after his husband through the rain, almost unable to see him as it was coming down heavy and hard. But Harry squinted his eyes in the rain and tried to hear Louis' footsteps as he splashed through puddles and ran to his car.

Wind was knocking him back and forth and he would've fallen if he hadn't reached a hand out and was able to grab Louis' car. Luckily enough Harry was able to get in but now he was even more soaked than he already was.

And once they were in the car Louis didn't even buckle his seatbelt or check on Harry before turning the car on and speeding out of the parking lot.

"Louis... Louis please slow down." Harry said as he gripped anything he could so he wouldn't thrash around the car.

They couldn't even see out the front windshield clearly with how hard the rain was coming down, but Harry was sure if Louis kept going the speed he was they were going to crash or spin out of control.

"W-where is he?" Louis asked as he tried to stop his tears and wipe his wet cheeks.

"Hospital, h-he's at the hospital." Harry said quietly as he tried to calm himself down, but it seemed nearly impossible with what was going on.

And as soon as Louis knew he was at the hospital he didn't waste any time in speeding even more to get to his best mate.

Harry would glance over at Louis as he drove and he only grew more and more worried as he saw his husband fighting back tears and trying to squint to see past the heavy rain pouring down on the windshield.

But he didn't say anything. Harry himself was trying to stop his crying but it seemed impossible with what was going on. And when Louis skidded into the hospital parking lot the pair didn't waste a second before running to the entrance.

"I need Joseph Cooper!! Where is he?!" Louis asked as he crashed through the doors and looked around frantically.


Louis snapped his head up and saw Marcus with tears stained cheeks and bright red eyes. He saw his best mate open his arms and Louis didn't even hesitate before rushing towards the older lad and letting him engulf him in a hug as more tears escaped him.

"W-what's going on? W-where is h-he?" Louis managed to mumble against Marcus' chest, the tightness in his throat making it feel like he could barely breathe let alone talk.

And as Marcus began to explain what happened Louis couldn't help but let out choked sobs and shake his head. The older lad told him that Joey was riding his motorcycle when it started to rain. He tried to get home quickly, as was everyone else when a car tried turning into his lane and didn't see him on his bike. Joey was pushed into a guardrail and his bike slipped out from under him. And when the paramedics came he was was unconscious, his helmet was cracked and he was losing blood quickly.

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