Chapter 85

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"Where's Al?" Harry asked confused as he saw his husband come down the stairs by himself.

"Uhm.. She doesn't want to come." Louis said quietly as he bit his lip. "So uh, let's get goin. We don't want to be out too late."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at the older lad but Louis just shook his head at him before grabbing the twins' stroller and pushing it towards the door. "Babe are you sure-"

"Yup. C'mon, let's go." Louis said, already halfway out the door with the twins.

Harry watched as his husband made his way outside and it was obvious that Louis was more than hurt. But it was also clear that he didn't want to talk about it, so Harry wasn't going to bring it up, at least not right now. Instead he reached for Rosie's hand and gestured for Cody to follow his daddy outside before closing the door behind him.

"Papa are we seeing house lights?" Rosie asked as she swung her and her father's hands between them.

"Not this year bug." Harry said through a small smile. "Daddy found out that the park right down the street has a bunch of lights set up and we can walk along the path and look at all of them. How fun is that?"

"So fun!" Rosie said as she jumped in place and grinned widely at her papa.

As Cody saw his little sister he rolled his eyes at her fondly before catching up with his dad and getting next to his little brothers to check on them. "Daddy what if they get cold?" He asked as he rubbed Rory's little glove covered hand.

Trust me buddy, they're all bundled up, they'll be okay. Louis reassured the 8 year old.

He couldn't help but notice that Cody was pretty protective over the twins. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he absolutely adored them and loved that he finally had brothers.

Even when Cody was mad, may it be at his family or in general, which seemed to be often nowadays, he was never mad at the twins. And Louis was grateful for that but he and Harry were still trying to figure out what was making their son so upset. It seemed that it was only on the days he had school was when Cody was angry or rude. And of course because of that Louis and Harry figured something was happening at school but his teachers have been watching him and so far they haven't seen anything, and Cody refused to say anything on the matter. But the pair wanted to help the 8 year old, they wanted to know what was going on that was making him so upset and angry everyday.

The family walked down the street, the only noises they heard in the dark night was Rosie's rambling to Harry and the younger lad's quiet laughs as he listened to his daughter.

When they got to the park Harry glanced over at Louis to see if he perked up a bit now that they were here, but still he couldn't miss his husband's sunken eyes and small frown. "Babe?" He asked quietly, trying to get the older lad's attention. And when Louis turned around and raised his eyebrows at him Harry bit his lip, unsure of what he actually wanted to say. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked softly as he picked up Rosie who kept tugging on his hand to get his attention.

Louis let out a quiet breath but nodded and offered his husband a small smile. But Harry could easily see through it as the older lad turned back around and started pushing the stroller down the park's path.

"Papa go." Rosie groaned as she tapped on her father's shoulder and wanted him to follow after her daddy to see the lights. "Can you walk next to the babies? I want to see their faces when they see the lights!" She said excitedly.

Harry laughed and nodded at his daughter before kissing her quickly and catching up with Louis and Cody. He placed his hand on the small of his husband's back as he walked next to him, knowing that no matter what the older lad said that he was hurt by Alexis. Harry didn't know what she said and he didn't know if Louis was going to tell him or just brush it off, but he knew his husband was hurting.

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